MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Why is Obi Wank portrayed as a complete ...

Why is Obi Wank portrayed as a complete puff?

I thought he was hard?


that's what Darth said, too: "The years have made you weak, but your hair is still fucking fantastic"...something like that.


Vaders got hard


Because legends of the past need to make way for the new breed of heroes. And these new heroes can only be strong if everyone else around them is weak.


As I posted on another thread:

I think a YouTuber using the handle "The Critical Drinker" hit the nail on the head in a recent video he posted:

He says (commenting on the criticism of the show) "'s becoming increasingly obvious with every passing episode, that Kenobi isn't really about Kenobi. It's just another example of Lucasfilm milking a popular character for their name recognition, then altering their personality, removing most of their agency, charisma, resilience, skill, and intelligence, and generally diminishing them, so they can play second fiddle to the new, original character that the show was actually focused on." (Sounds rather like what happened to Luke and Han, doesn't it?)

The point of the whole video is that this accusation of "toxic fandom" is deeply unfair to the vast majority of fans, who are not racists, are not criticizing the show for anything to do with bigoted dislike of Moses Ingram, and the controversy just so happens to provide a useful distraction from the fact that fans are upset that they aren't getting the story about Kenobi they were promised, as well as provide a convenient way to dismiss such criticism, because if it's coming from "toxic" people, why should anyone heed it?


He's an old soldier who stopped using his skills a decade ago. Someone he also thinks he killed is alive. And VERY angry. Why is it so hard to comprehend he's out of practice and scared?
