Too Many Jedi/Sith

They're everywhere.

In the original trilogy we saw none. Luke was the last one etc.

This thing has already shown us six and I suspect there'll be more to come.


Blame the prequels.


It's a show about a Jedi! Who else can they use for an antagonist, but other people with serious Force powers?

If you get sick of seeing Jedi and Sith, go watch a bit of "Mandalorian", and watch Grogu use the Force to steal cookies.


You can't name 5 Jedi from the originals? Try harder!


This was 10 years before ANH. Plenty of time for many things to happen like many Jedi dying.

Besides, it’s a big galaxy. Whose to say that while the events of the OT are happening there aren’t other Jedi in hiding? We know that is the case with Ashoka.
