MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Why Does Tattoine Look Cold in This?

Why Does Tattoine Look Cold in This?

I don't get it. Colour grading gone mad or something more nefarious because of weather manipulation in real life? I went to the shop today as the sun was going down and the sun was white. SUnset is when the sun is redder, oranger, not desturated and white and casting rainbow blotches. That is not natural.

Have a look at this and other videos before you dismiss me as a crackpot. Air force guys with years of experience are speaking up on this.


I haven't watched this yet but it sounds like you found a plot hole


Nah, just bad consistency.


It's certainly more Tattooine-like than the Cyber-Punk mood of Boba Fett's Tattooine.


Warning: Chemtrail crackpot site!

[Boris Johnson] knows that hundreds of transient, transatlantic flights are routed out of their way to fly very low over London and other populated areas of the UK while broadcasting false ADS-B altitude information so as to appear at normal cruising altitude, whereas these flights are almost all under 20,000ft.


Deserts have winters, too. FYI Arizona gets below-freezing temperatures and snow in the winter.

So I can believe that a desert might have a cold season, I can't say I like the idea of everyone wearing warm clothes... but all the living and working spaces are still open to the air.


It's Climate Change obviously ... Unless you want to.deny SCIENCE?!!


It's winter? ;-)
