The Gentlemen is the reason why I don't mind spoilers and will even go look them up, and it's the movie that I don't get why people make such a big deal about spoilers and having a movie ruined for them. After seeing that opening scene and knowing McConaughey lives, the movie had my attention the whole time and I was impatiently waiting to get back to that scene to see what was really going on. If I hadn't read spoilers, I probably would've said "f**k this movie" and got up and left. Or I would've just sat there pissed at the movie and maybe bored because I wouldn't care what was going on, although I am a "smart" moviegoer/viewer and have seen plenty of movies to know that it may be a misleading opening scene. Plus I am even a writer too, so the writer in me could've figured out stuff. But I probably still wouldn't have cared since there was that possibility that we were watching what led up to McConaughey's death and then the aftermath of it. But I knew he lived, so I just had to see what the explanation was for that opening scene and on the way to getting back to that opening scene, and also to just be patient. And while I was waiting for things to get back to that opening scene, I was enjoying everything happening onscreen, and even more than what I would've if I hadn't read who lived and died. But this is also a Guy Ritchie directed/written movie too. He seems to not kill off his protagonists or any of the major actors or major characters. Only characters or major actors that ever really die in his movies are the villains. That's a little surprising too with the type of lives these characters live. You'd think some of the good guys would die, but no.