Glimmer of hope...

I'm in the minority when it comes to those who enjoyed the original Doom movie (2005). Although the first film abandoned the aspect of hell and its demons, it was a pretty solid action movie. Great performances from Karl Urban, Dwayne Johnson (as the antagonist!), and Rosmand Pike.

I'm excited about this sequel, and the behind the scene stills make this look promising, regardless of it being a straight-to-home release.


I’m assuming you didn’t see the trailer yet. Doesn’t look promising at all


Watch the trailer, it looks cheap. It also features a small skinny looking woman. It looks completely absurd that she runs around with a huge gun. This movie is made of 100% fail.


Well, the small skinny lookign woman does not actually do any physical combat. all her combat moves are either firing a gun or evasion, so they at least avoided that stupid cliche. The one time she gets into hand to hand combat she almost dies to a hipster scientist guy (that posessed).


I only saw the trailer, so maybe that is misleading. It's just that she carries a huge gun (I suppose a bfg or something) and it just looks funny - but the movie trailer doesn't seem to suggest that the movie is tongue in cheek.


Yes, in the third act she does find the BFG and uses it against the demons/aliens. She drops it multiple times during the fighting though, clearly it being hard to carry for her.

It wasnt tongue in cheek though. I have found an interview with the writer of this movie some time between my post and now and he literally said "i thought a woman could be kickass too so i wrote her female".

He probably didnt want to admit he watched Aliens and wanted to try it himself.


The glimmer of hope is gone. What a shame. I was looking for any excuse to like this, but the trailer took care of that. I type corrected...


Video game movies are better off not including "Annihilation" as a subtitle.


And yet because of my fondness for the videogame Doom I will still give a viewing.

Hell, I might even add the Blu-Ray to my collection just for the continuity.


Videogame movies should be viewed as not videogame movies. They rarely care about the games story or plot anyway and just pick a setting, so they end up much more enjoyable if you just watch them as stand-alone.


no hope for anything but STV garbage
