MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Fletcher (2019) Discussion > Yeah this looks like one season.

Yeah this looks like one season.

The trailer looked odd. But I want Kathryn Hahn to get more lead roles.


Just watched the premiere. Before I watched it I figured it would be more feminist, "woke" nonsense. Sure enough maybe halfway through we get the ex-husband white male slug, the lazy white male kid letting mom load the van all by herself. Right on cue. Single mothers are heroes! White males are all losers, hapless dopes, all of them! Then we get the patronizing guy at the school, move the van, MOM! You silly little female! Put some darker skin on him, just to show it's not ALL white males who are creeps. Even the darker-skinned guys are losers.

I like Kathryn Hahn, one of relatively few funny women, so I'll give it at least one more episode to see if gives me something other than the rote "white males suck" nonsense. Not holding my breath.




*Found the alt-right insecure boy


It's amazing how the refusal to hate yourself and blindly accept negative propaganda against yourself (if you're a straight white male) is seen, in modern times, as an "insecurity". Of course, by most, it isn't REALLY seen as an insecurity. It's just them doing their part in the agenda, by acting like your points don't really exist.

In short, fuck these two losers ⬆️. Thanks for saving the rest of us the trouble with yet another piece of trash propaganda "tv show".


LOL, yep we live in interesting times to be sure.

EDIT: I got through maybe a half of the second episode and we got the kid at school doing some role play about "consent", surely to lead to showing us all how evil he was in his toxic white male masculinity. 45 minutes wasted, no big deal. I'll let the two beta boys get their thrills watching it.


Actually, you two are the losers: dkgambler - for seeing the world this way, and you - for taking the word of an idiot and making a snap judgment about a show you haven't even seen.

And no, it's not any kind of "propaganda".


I can tell that he isn't an idiot from his post, with proper grammar and sentence structure. It's far from a "snap judgement". I'm so sick of all of these hate pieces. These days, they're pretty predictable, as is, without seeing them or hearing an opinion on them, just from seeing the title, poster and trailer. So, when an obviously intelligent person let's me know ahead of time that it's trash, I appreciate them saving me the time. I'm not going to waste an hour on hearing how horrible I am just for being born white and/or male, when I can take an honest person's word on the show's stance. My deepest apologies if that makes you "triggered" or "shook".

And, while I can't speak for dkgambler, I must ask - If one isn't working an agenda for selfish, individual gains, how else can one "see the world", other than the way it is? I know that faux-naivety is one of the most popular tactics of the radical left, but it's actually really fucking pathetic. If you hate me for being white and/or male, admit it, and come do something about it. Stop being such cowards. The revolution of pussies - sneaking through the backdoor. All the while, in the grandest of ironies, we're constantly told how women and blacks are superior lol. If so superior, why the need to play naive, and brainwash on the sly. You want my life? You're going to have to take it. It won't be given away.


I heard a good one not too long ago. If you are accused of being a racist and deny it, that's simply more evidence that you are a racist. You "can't accept reality", or "can't grasp your white privilege." Or something. When the "woke" make a declaration, that's it. Case closed.

The white privilege one makes me laugh. I grew up in a broken home, bad neighborhood, near poverty. Worked my ass off, got a degree (useful one that provides skills), worked my ass off some more, acquired more and more skills, became a licensed professional along the way. Surprise! Six figure income, seven figure net worth. All due to my white privilege. Uh huh, sure. Any day I can trigger a wokester is a good day.

But back to the subject at hand. I've always liked Kathryn Hahn and I don't pay compliments easily. Hopefully she doesn't completely flush her talent down the rabbit hole of wokeness.


Sadly, that's exactly how it is. Perception is now immediate reality, proof and evidence no longer required.

White privilege is an absolute joke. I can relate to your life so much. Unfortunately, not the 6-7 figure part haha, but definitely the rest. Born and raised below the poverty line, from a broken home in the Appalachian foothills; no neighborhood whatsoever, the middle of nowhere. The nearest town (that I now live in) is a perfect microcosm for the rest of the country. The only privilege that exists is green privilege. Us whites in town that don't have money are still treated like shit compared to the ones that do. That's just the way it is. That's the reality of America. I started out my adult life working hard instead of smart. Now, after a few injuries, I'm trying to do the latter, but under no circumstances will I ever blame anyone else for the hand that I was dealt and look to them for sympathy/profit out of forced guilt. I'll never be that pathetic.

Yeah, as for Hahn, I always liked her as well. She was pretty good in comedies and seemed like she was going to fare well in drama also. Fingers crossed for her and her talent.


i wouldn't sweat the money thing. I didn't mean to imply that I was some sort of hero because I spent a lot of my younger years at the office and even now I work a lot. I actually enjoy working, but wish I could figure out a way to slow down a bit. I've resigned myself that I might die at the office. Oh well, my white privilege already pays for the welfare state and I'm sure the parasites in this thread and elsewhere will gladly take the spoils to provide "compassion."


I relate 100%. I am first generation Australian, white but a non English speaking background. Working class, broken family.

A while ago I was chatting to a woman on a dating site. She was in her late 20's doing her 4th College degree thinking of the next one. Never worked anything more than low level jobs amassing huge education debts. She was Anglo Saxon the dominant culture here and white.

She made everything political and said that "You would never understand, you are a middle aged white man in a world that loves middle aged white men". She knew nothing of my background she just made a blanket assumption based on my skin colour and gender. It's no different to someone saying "of course he's poor. He's black".

But that level of hate was ok by her because she is so indoctrinated she can't see what she is doing.

Not to mention the majority of the homeless I see are white males, you see non white people cleaning the streets around them. The irony isn't lost on me. The non whites have jobs and homes.

Yeah, white male privilege.


Without white males, western civilization collapses. It's as simple as that.


All they have is "shaming". We frustrate them because we don't care about their standards or what they think we should be.


Well, Cameron died, so it would be impossible, maybe to do more..


Cameron was not one of the principal characters, the show can go on without him just fine.

I mean he already seems to be out as of ep 3.


It's a limited series.
