I popped in to make this point, but I see others have made the same point (with which I agree).
There was a whole lot of complaining about this move by both sides of politics, but I really don't see why a Republican or anti-Liberal would complain about this movie.
I think it represents the true facts of life pretty accurately.
Liberals do tend to hate the conservatives with a passion bordering on insanity. The liberals also misunderstand conservatives and impute behaviours, beliefs and characteristics onto conservatives that are not correct.
Meanwhile, conservatives just carry on with their own lives, minding their own business.
Liberals in this move are made out to be a pretty accurate caricature of a liberal.
Of course not all liberals are exactly like this, but there are enough of them for it to be a serious problem in the world. The Hunt takes aim at these types and does not miss.
On the other hand, I don't think the movie attempts to make the conservatives out to be the caricature of a conservative that liberals wrongly believe them to be. It doesn't come close to this. In this movie the conservatives are just regular people, innocent, victims, not deserving of what is happening to them.
On top of that, one conservative is a superhero who cleans up all the baddies.
For what it's worth I also agree with another poster who made the correct point that the caricature of the conservative that the liberal has in his or her head, i.e. of a white supremacist gun-totting nazi una-bomber type is just brain-dead nonsense. There are in fact so few of these types of people that they are almost non-existent. Maybe the movie-makers didn't characterise the conservatives this way because the makers know it to be fanciful and if they did that the movie would not have split the population like it did - of course pretty much everyone, on all sides of politics, would be in support of those types being hunted and killed. The movie would have been non-eventful, and for one of them to win in the end would have been a bad ending.
On the other hand, the liberal caricature in this movie, is accurate for a large proportion of liberals, particularly in places like Hollywood, the media and academia (and in the young people coming out of those academic institutions) - it is a serious problem in our world.
The movie gets it exactly right and, in my view, this is a great pro-conservative movie. And about time, too. Yah!!