Beautiful story

I just wanted to say….I enjoyed it immensely.

Sometimes funny, sometimes infuriating, sometimes heartbreaking….and the ending was perfect.


Only thing I would have done differently with the ending was leave out of the voice over and have it end with the white light.

The bit at the end didn't add anything and if anything, took something away.


But we all know that was just her fantasy….it let us all have a hopeful thought without taking away from the ambiguity of the ending.


Well she did comment on her inaction with him afterward, so that wasn't vague.


Just started watching it ON DEMAND. and have only seen 1 1/2 episodes so far, but I'm also enjoying it immensely as well.


A Gentleman In Moscow Ending Explained - Screen Rant

WEBMay 17, 2024 ·

The ending of A Gentleman in Moscow remains ambiguous, leaving Alexander's fate open to interpretation. Love and sacrifice are the central themes of the show, as Alexander risks everything to ensure the safety and happiness of his found family.

Despite the early trauma of seeing Prince Nikolai being dragged out of the hotel to be shot in the street in A Gentleman in Moscow episode 1, Alexander went on to hit a rich vein of social bonds. His friendship with Nina was vital during the early stages of his sentence, and although the pair struggled to stay on the same political wavelengths at times, their special relationship weathered the storm. Alexander also eventually managed to build bridges with Mishka.

If Alexander was a father figure to Nina, then he was essentially a grandfather in his role as generational caretaker when Sofia was left in the count's care. Alexander raised Sofia as his own, while making sure she never forgot her birth mother. Eventually, Alexander's on-and-off romantic dynamic with Anna Urbanova solidified into a solid foundation of love and trust, with the pair essentially becoming joint parents to Sofia. As a result, Alexander hit several milestones during his imprisonment that he either neglected or failed to achieve while he was a free man.

Alexander's unconfirmed destiny compounds the story of love and loss

A Gentleman in Moscow, like so many other stories, is about love. However, the show's theme of love is also tied into the concept of loss, and how the two interact with one another. The love that Alexander Rostov has for Anna and Sofia results in him putting their safety first, ensuring they are away from the Metropol Hotel and safely on their respective ways to their new homes at the time of him making his escape attempt.

Sofia's fantasy of her parents living out their days together is about as perfect an ending as the show can expect, with the unconfirmed nature of the scenario contributing to the dark beauty of the story's conclusion. The trio would never have had the life they'd wanted in the building that brought the three of them together. Knowing this, they give their best effort to free themselves of the restrictions imposed upon them by Alexander's prison sentence. A Gentleman in Moscow's final episode perfectly encapsulates the tale's message of sacrifice in the name of love.


Yes, it was both lovely and tragic. The Count was wonderful to watch.


I liked it a lot.

I agree about the ending, I think the last two episodes were the best of the series.

Looking at the IMDb reviews it seems the only real criticism people have is with the diverse casting.
