I'm betting it was her FATHER who killed the MISTRESS of his SON- in- LAW.

When he told the guy who runs the school that he was OLD SCHOOL and was willing to SCREW OVER anyone who messed around with one of his LOVED ONES, that pretty much indicates he went after the dead woman ( due to the way she was messing around with his daughter ... by joining the parent group that she belonged to for the school ... by going to the GYM where she worked out ... by painting that portrait of her ... by calling her phone number several times ... by having a child by her husband, etc. etc. etc).

It was also pretty CREEPY when he said he had a DATE with someone and then they showed a YOUNG GIRL exiting from the school. When the camera switched back again there was also another older woman standing there, so not sure if they were trying to suggest that he was a child molester or not.

But the way he behaved with the guy who runs the school was definitely FREAKY enough to point the finger in his direction. And he'd probably also be willing to SET UP his SON- in- LAW to take the FALL for killing the woman as well (due to the way he also told his daughter that he'd never liked him).

Anyone else have any other thoughts that they'd care to share regarding WHO DID IT???




What ???? !!!!

This isn't a MOVIE, it's a NEW HBO SERIES.

And that isn't KEVIN BACON.

It's HUGH GRANT (who also keeps insisting that he didn't do it).



Your right.

Total egg on fact.

But you know what?

How do people do the HTML spoiler black out?



Nicole Kidman (Grace Fraser 6 episodes, 2020), , Hugh Grant (Jonathan Fraser 6 episodes, 2020)




like i said...egg on face.



No, you said "egg on fact". Fibber.


i also think it's the father, however i thought his change of personality super aggressive and threatening was a bit over the top, i understand they did it to show he has two faces sometimes an angel sometimes evil but I thought it wasn't done very well.

after the father gave 500k usd to hugh grant he probably had him followed or something like that and found out about his double life.


Or he may have also even PAID the MISTRESS to have an affair with his SIL. Then KILLED HER ... knowing that he'd be blamed for it ... as a way to get him away from his daughter (after he'd also come to him asking him for the money).

Because at that point for him to need money, then he'd also know he was using his daughter's money (plus she also told her father her husband had cleaned out their bank accounts).

So maybe the whole thing might also have been a SCAM to get rid of the SIL and get him out of the life of his daughter and grandson???

ALSO FOUND THIS which indicates someone else feels the same way:


It's at the very least implied that Franklin could have killed Elena in an attempt to frame Jonathan and get him away from Grace. Not only do we see Franklin's immense distaste for Jonathan, but his visit with the Reardon school principal reveals a menacing figure.


My wife and I are enjoying this show, and she thinks he did it. I suppose it is possible, and they are showing how ruthless and effing RICH he is. Outside of Dr. Fraser, who embodies entitlement and patronizing smarminess, the widower would seem to have the most motive. They just say he had an alibi, but that was early on and not revisited. Of course, Nicole Kidman's character could have done it and it wiped that memory clean. She seems to have some mental health issues going on and they are getting worse.

One last thing. Dr. Fraser, the physician, indicated that he had a "one-off" that he tried to downplay. They did not go to the trouble of mentioning that for nothing...one way or another. Well-crafted and enjoyable show.


How do you explain the OBSESSION that the MISTRESS seemed to have had with NICOLE's character (by joining the committee, parading around NUDE in from of her at the GYM, kissing her, painting her portrait, calling her etc.)?

I'm thinking with her FATHER cheating so much on her mother perhaps the dead woman may also have been her father's offspring???

So the DEAD WOMAN may have also been OBSESSED with what was also her HALF SISTER (by way of her father having had so many affairs).

And she may also RESENTED how NICOLE had a nice place to live and she did not??? And perhaps she also tried to BLACK MAIL the OLD MAN by threatening to tell his daughter that she was her half sister if he didn't also buy her a nice place to live???

So that may also have been when the OLD MAN SNAPS and LIQUIFIED her head (as we heard them describe it on the news that the young boy was watching on his cell phone)???


that is who I initially thought it was and it appears that most people are thinking that. I hope we are wrong.


So WHO do you hope turns out to be the murderer???

Hopefully it won't be another completely RAMDOM person that we haven't even met yet (sort of like the way the GUY MOWING the lawn that we barely even noticed turned out to have been the KILLER in S1 of TRUE DETECTIVE)???



I'm not really hoping for anybody in particular. A good legitimate/logical twist would be nice. The father appears to be the most logical and I guess some would consider that a twist. And yes, no random guy/girl. But, as of now there is nobody that really makes sense as the murderer other than the main stars.


They might do something like reveal to us how she was also having an affair with another married man at the same time as she was having one with HUGH Grant's character (maybe it could also be the HUSBAND of the friend who keeps calling NICOLE's character on the phone)??? Because Why else does that character keep popping up so much?

And maybe that hubby could be the one who killed her (perhaps after she'd threatened to tell his wife about the affair)??? Because HUGH also said that she was "OFF" (whatever that means). And due to the WEIRD way that we saw her FLIRTING with NICOLE, it may also mean she was like that with almost everyone???

But with just 2 episodes left to go that would also be a CHEAP TRICK (to lead us to believe it's her FATHER and then SWITCH over to having it be another guy who did it).



whatever happens I hope it is wrapped up. I don't think it is supposed to be an ongoing series.


Recently Nicole was also in another different HBO series called "BIG LITTLE LIES" that was also suppose to WRAP UP and END. But then it came back again for another SEASON after that.

So one never knows, but with not very many people responding or posting as many messages with this show as they did with the other show perhaps that's also an indication that it won't be back again???


I have a very unpopular thought. What if it is Henry?


Yeah I am seeing that too. He saw his Dad with Alma. At the restaurant, he was agitated about getting his family back together. Crime of rage. Crime of passion. I think the grandpa might know.


How did the cops miss finding the son there on the video cameras or miss finding his DNA there at the CRIME SCENE???

I suppose they missed finding the MURDER WEAPON when they searched because he'd hidden it at his Grandfather's house???

This is definitely NOT something that I saw coming !!!


I don't think it was him. if it was, I believe, although a common trope, the final scene from the last episode would have been the final scene of the series. He is covering for somebody. I agree with joi2049 (below). I don't think he could have avoided cameras and leaving DNA.


The HAMMER she found also didn't show any indication that it had been used as a MURDER WEAPON. And it's also difficult to imagine a 14 yr old killing a woman, then cleaning it after that, and being as cool and calm about it as he's been about it.

But one can also see his father meeting him and asking him to HIDE it for him at his father in laws house.

Or one could also see the FATHER in LAW hiding it in his own home after he'd cleaned it up.

And if Elena was also his daughter (because he got one of him mistresses pregnant), and she was JEALOUS that his other daughter had so much and she had so little, and she threatened to reveal she was her sister if he didn't also provide her with a nice home or something, then one could also see him getting angry enough with her to kill her (due to what he said to the other man who runs the school).

And the OLDER MAN would also have MONEY enough to PAY SOMEONE to DOCTOR the VIDEOS for him so that he would be ERASED from them and the COPS would never see him.

He could also do the same thing for his grandson as well, but cleaning the MURDER WEAPON still doesn't seem like something a 14 yr old would do.

If the HUSBAND of the FRIEND was also having an affair with ELENA, that could also explain why the BLOND FRIEND might have done it. But there also should be VIDEOS of her as well.

And IF she's trying to FRAME JONATHAN (HUGH Grant's character) for MURDER as a way to keep the FOCUS off herself, then one can also see the FATE that AWAITS her being one just as HORRIFIC as what happened to ELENA.

Because then JONATHAN might also SNAP and ATTACK her for killing the woman that he claims to have LOVED as much as he did his wife.

Also wonder where the BABY DAUGHTER is now and who has CUSTODY of her???

Watch NICOLE also end up ADOPTING her in the end.

And IF her son is the KILLER of the INFANT's MOTHER, then doing that would probably also NOT be a very good idea.


true true


Really great episode.

I don't think it was Henry. His parents went out, he did not know where, and then he finds himself at her studio and kills the woman, trace free, leaves, and does not fall apart later? He's not a mastermind criminal. I think he is covering for either his father, grandfather, or even mother, whether he was asked to, or he found the hammer at home or his grandfather's and kept it as he thought it would help.

As for Dr. Fraser, we know he lies like a rug, can turn on fake emotions to get sympathy or distract persons asking him hard questions, and might be a true sociopath. The grandfather red herring was very well done, but it could still be the dead woman's husband. Basically, I think nothing Dr. Fraser, MD says can be believed.


I think you make a lot of good points. I guess I am thinking it's the doctor himself who actually has done it, but I thought of the kid a few times now.


I just had a thought that it was the other blonde lawyer lady.

Remember the unexplained odd looks she and the husband have been giving each other throughout the episodes. I think The husband was having an affair with Elena, but also having an affair with the blonde, and perhaps leaving the blonde, or closer to the blonde since Elena had his daughter, so she killed her in a jealous rage, and then she will want to pin it on the wife, and the husband will take advantage of that.

The character is Sylvia Steineitz played by Lily Rabe.


This makes sense in a way because there's not a lot of great explanation for the purpose of her character in the narrative. None of Grace's other friends have really appeared since maybe the second episode, but Sylvia has been almost too loyal, the kind of loyalty that seems more about keeping stories straight than actual loyalty.

Also, earlier in the series she admitted to giving some kind of legal advice/help to Hugh Grant about his harassment termination which she kept secret from Grace. It might have been that Sylvia had been having a long-term affair with Hugh Grant and then he got entangled with Elena and Sylvia killed her in a fit of jealous rage, since she's one of the few people who have long-term knowledge about Hugh Grant's affair.


Not her father, remember the person that killed her smashed her face to a pulp. That level of anger wouldn't be what you would expect from her father who while completely capable of killing someone would have been unlikely to have that much anger for the woman... especially when her dad doesn't want them to get back together, it would have been more likely for her day to have simply killed the son in law than the woman.

The two most likely murders are Nicole, or the boy. Remember the boy apparently knew about the affair, was afraid the affair was going to cause his parents to divorce so aside from the husband of the dead woman the boy was the one most likely to have the amount of hatred it would require to go batshit crazy and just pound the woman's face over and over.


After the first few episodes everyone starts thinking it's too easy if Hugh Grant killed her, it has to be the woman's husband, or Nicole or Nicole's dad or Nicole's son or someone else, therefore after all the big surprise or twist might be that Hugh is the killer.

But I also agree like someone said that it could be one of Nicole's female friend, the lawyer blond friend told Nicole that she has had Hugh as a client in the past so the two of them might be very close...


Yes the blond lawyer does seem to be in the show too much to not be involved somewhere in the plot... but how did she managed to stick the murder weapon in the house. The grandpa, Nicole and Nicole's son are the only ones that really have that ability.


She could have gone to see Nicole's father pretending to want to discuss the legal case that he's paying for with him and telling him how concerned she was that Jonathan was GUILTY.

Then she might have also asked to use the restroom or something and shoved the case with the MURDER WEAPON in it into a hiding place at that time.

Or The father may also have assumed that she had some kind of legal papers inside of that case, or she may also have arrived early when he wasn't even at home yet, and then sneaked the case into a hiding place before he got there.

But there's still the other problem of her not showing up in those VIDEOS which would also have made her a SUSPECT.

And YES it is VERY ODD how this character keeps showing up so much when the rest of the women who were also on that COMMITTEE haven't been seen since the ACTION party.

So surely this BLOND is going to end up being important in some way. Otherwise her presence will have also been a WASTE of TIME.

Having her WARN NICOLE that she suspects her husband is GUILTY also seems to be a SET UP for later on when NICOLE can also RESENT this friend (if she also discovers that SHE'S LIED to her because the woman herself is the KILLER).

Because then her FRIENDSHIP will ring HOLLOW, after NICOLE would realize the woman was wanting to USE and BLAME her husband for the MURDER so she could GET AWAY with MURDER.

It's definitely going to interesting to see how this turns out.


It’s the blonde friend. Has to be. Why else is she still involved in the show? To what end? She is the “other affair” Hugh Grant was alluding to the current lawyer. She killed her.


Brilliant observation Diddy!!! And how clever he was NOT to mention WHO the other person was that he had an affair with (leaving us to assume it would be someone from the PAST rather than it being someone from the present time).

PLUS it would also explain the reason why one gets the feeling this person has been STALKING the case (showing up in court, calling Grace, etc.).

If she's GUILTY of the murder of course she'd also be wanting someone else to take the blame so she won't have to. But what about her not showing up in the VIDEOS the cops watched???

How did she find a way to keep from showing up in them???

And imagine how pissed GRACE will be after this so called friend also told her Jonathan was GUILTY.


that is a decent supposition.
