MovieChat Forums > 6 Underground (2019) Discussion > How is this not lower rated?

How is this not lower rated?

The directing bad. The story interesting but not well executed. The writing bad. The characters bad. The actors are good but their characters and dialogue they are given are not.

To give an idea of how bad it is, they have one guy who is essentially a parkour champion, he pulls of mad skills in climbing and all that jazz. He is running away from bad guys and we clearly see a sequence where he is doing stuff that only someone very skilled could pull off, he should have a massive lead. Cut to the next scene andddddd bad guys are still all behind him, somehow every single one of them are parkour experts cause that is the only way they have kept up.

The pacing is just horrible. For the first half of the movie you don't know when you are watching it, is it the past, is it the present, future? no idea.

The sheer amount of editing cuts in this movie is Taken 3 level. One of the main reasons the youtube parkour videos are so popular is it's on tracking shot following the person or filmed from their perspective. This movie cuts between a scene of first person to third person and not in a way that makes sense or flows well.

It's lazy. It's a Michael Bay explosionthon but with none of the adrenaline and entertainment some of his other movies offer. It's low tier boring.

Not worth the two hour run time and highly recommend giving this a miss.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. I love some of Bay's movies but this is one of his worst. No wonder it went straight to Netflix. I expect the imdb score to go lower when more people watch this.


What about all the continuity errors in the beginning chase scene?? That disappearing and reappearing hat bothered the shit out of me. Stopped watching after the chase scene.


I know right?!?!?

Such basic stuff and yet couldn’t even get that right.

I should have stopped watching at that point as well. But I had hope it would get better. Spoiler it doesn’t.


It's not that bad. 6/10.


It really is that bad.



It was a jumbled mess of 50 movie trailers in one!
Every.Fucking.Scene a music clip, that got old real fast.

It took me like 5 tries to get to the part where the story started to make some fucking sense at all.
Plus their skill level was going up and down throughout the whole movie.
Ryan Reynolds taking out 4 armed guards in 1 second, last bad guy on the ship fighting like he's just a tech nerd with his magnet. Like WTF, is going on!?


Yeah it was defs an all over the place movie that did not care for continuity at all.


i watched this other day and definitely agree they could have cut about half an hour of this movie without affecting anything, the story was boring, no chemistry between the stars, shame as Ryan and franco seemed good with the ladies, even the over top Michael Bay CGI fest is missing in this, it seemed abit tamed and with Ryan Reynolds in there i was expecting alot more humour which there was very little of.

Another bit i found lame was the parkour guy on the roof hiding from guys when there a sharp shooter across the street who could have took them out easily but instead he watches on.

This must have been set for a multi sequel movie as the photos on the wall and Ryan only turning over the first picture only, so who where the rest pictures of - next missions?


The show was boring with too much action and a lot of semi-gory murder.

I started feeling ashamed to watch it.

Reynolds was fun, but it was almost weird, like he volunteered to be in the movie just to be himself.


One the worst movies I have ever seen, its like transformers, but without the transformers and the entire story made up by Micheal Bay. It is one of those movies that is bad it becomes funny so if you feel like watching one of those..


It's rated reasonably high by people who like fun movies. This is a FUN movie. It's not high art. It's not cerebral. It's FUN. You should try FUN. FUN helps people's ass sticks slide out.


Except its not FUN. I've seen plenty of FUN mindless dumb movies, transformers, fast and furious series, freaking sharknado. So many actual fun dumb movies. This is not fun, it's horrible. There is little action, what action there is doesn't make much sense and is really hard to follow, the storyline is piss poor, the characters are one dimensional and overall it's just not good. The people highly rating it likely barely watched the movie and had it on as background noise and saw the few moments of action and thought of yay explosions.

This defence is a weak one and this isn't about a movie being fun, it's about a movie being boring, crappy and not making a lick of sense if for a Michael bay movie. The only ones with any sticks up their ass are the people desperately defending it going "Oh but it's a fun movie" it's about as much fun as having a root canal and a colonoscopy at the same time.


Nope. It was most definitely fun.


Nope it definitely wasn't


Yep. Definitely was. I know this because my friends, family and I had fun watching it.


Yep, it was fun..Too many ass sticks stuck


Oh look it’s your other account. How lame.


Nah your family friends and you are lying to yourself. All my friends family myself strangers and people not yet born have agreed it’s a boring non-fun movie.


What movie? There is no movie.


Ok weirdo
