It was actually Sgt. Rutter's Only Darts Club Band.
Let me introduce to you:
Major Happy's Up-And-Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band.
and also not Black but The Rutles (a.k.a. The Mauve Album):
Reporter: Why did you pick the mauve colour for the cover?
Ron: Well, me and Chastity have been wearing mauve clothes as a protest agains't the war. Red is the colour of violence, ya know. And white is the colour of peace. So, when you mix peace into war you get mauve.
Reporter: Does the number on each album have a significance?
Dirk: Yes, we are going to be holding a raffle and the person with the winning number gets to have dinner and tea with Stig.
My faves were Revolting, Tragical History Tour, Shabby Road, Let It Rot, the live Album The Rutles At The Che Stadium, I really enjoyed the delve into the recordings called Archaeology and also the album Lunch created for the Circle of Hay show was very very good (only available online now).
And the lost tracks: