box office?

This seems to be striking something of a nerve online/SM with ppl going 'what an awesome concept..' .. wonder if that will translate into box office and be even bigger ww than FourWeddings/NottingHill/Slumdog? 500m+?


I think it will depend on word of mouth. I don't think they have the budget for a massive ad campaign so it will definitely be up to buzz to determine the final numbers.


Such a horrible concept....let's take the originality and inventors of the Beatles and give it to someone else...

No we dont live in a alternate reality. this guys has absolutely nothing to do with the Beatles


Imagine getting to introduce the whole world to your favorite band, and you get to do it yourself. It's a concept that has not been done, and many people would love to do it.


I would never be so selfish and to strip the homage Is so wrong


You say that, but if it starts out innocent, and you only made one song at a club, and were offered millions dangling in front of you, i don't think you could say what you would do until you were actually in the situation. Millions, set for life, seemingly no chance of being found out? Com'mon you don't know what you'd do man. :-)
Also, there are MANY artists out there that do not write their own music, but still take credit for it. Some say even the Beatles themselves did not write much of their music. There could have been corporate think tanks behind much of the great music from the 60s. Look into the tavistock institute:
The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation
