Is Dr Lewis Dodgson Gay?

Various people have pointed out the physical similarities between him and Apple CEO, Tim Cook.

In view of the lack of LGBTQ+ diversity in these films, and this particular similarity, wouldn't it have been a *progressive* step to *explicitly* present this character as gay? Couldn't the filmmakers have taken just a few minutes during the running time to show Dodgson's home-life, perhaps with his husband and maybe some adopted or surrogate kids?


Why do you have so many accounts and why do you argue with yourself?

In the future you should try disguise your writing style if you want to fly under the radar.


How am I 'arguing with myself'?


"Oh my dear child" HOW is not the question *why* is what we (at least I) ponder.




Saw the film but I have no idea at all who you are talking about.


Many people have commented on the character's look. They say he resembles Apple CEO Tim Cook. Tim Cook is gay. It might have humanised the villain, and added some *diversity*, to portray him as a gay family man.


The point of my reply was to ID WHO was that character?

I just looked it up.

But seriously, you are asking movies to create a scene in some cases because the character/actor resembles someone IRL? That’s ludicrous? Equally ludicrous is creating a scene showing the homelife of a character who might be LGBTQ when no other home life scenes are in the film.


Well, there are straight characters in the film.

One of the few plus points about this otherwise disappointing and rather pointless legacy sequel, was the reunion of Dr Ellie Sattler and the unmarried and miserable Dr Alan Grant. It was nice to see them finally happy together.

And in addition to that straight relationship, we have the relationship between Owen Grady and Claire Dearing.

I think the attractive pilot lady, Kayla Watts, may be implied to be gay. She has a line about liking 'redheads' too when she observes how much Owen cares about Claire, but that might conceivably mean she likes *male* redheads, even if the lesbian angle is more likely (admittedly, we don't tend to refer to red-headed men as 'redheads' so often).

But in the absence of any explicitly gay characters across this universe (besides Kayla, and, I believe Zia, both likely lesbians), it would have been nice to have the film make reference to one of the male characters being gay, and in view of Dodgson's noted resemblance to Tim Cook, it seems like a wasted opportunity.
