Can understand what he's getting at, basically the First movie can exist inside the 'real world' as it all took place in secret, no one outside the main characters and a few workers knew what was going down. It all ended in disaster, most likely hushed up after, no way the park will ever open, rumours etc of what mightve happened but no proof. Thats it. Man playing god dabbling with forces he should not be dabbling with. Then the sequels open it up so the entire world knows about the island, until we get the belated 4th movie - the park is open! Then by the 6th they live among us! (with the slightly surreal imagery of the original cast interacting with the new cast in this new Jurassic 'World')
But that First movie not only the best/classic (like Jaws) it can exist unto itself in the real world. all taking place in secret. similarly other franchises had this to varying degrees where the first movie is kind of plausible, takes place off the grid, a world only very few know of, before sequels opened it up to wider world and thereby lost some of that realism (Blade, The Matrix, Terminator, Alien, Predator, Highlander, Batman, Apes)