Biggest hit of the summer?

The reviews are in and its looking good for the finale movie. Despite poor reviews people are still showing up for this turd.

Domestic: $403 m
International: $657 m

Total: $1.1 b


it looks like they are trying desperately to bring in as much nostalgia as possible, to desperately attract anybody to come see it. but the trailers looked horrible. the carl's jr commercials appear to be saying that ordering their cheeseburgers will get you eaten by dinosaurs. it's no shock people don't want to see it, there's nothing to say about jurassic park 30 years after the original.


1 billion barely


it'll do a billion. but it'll be like a Rise of Skywalker billion (and like the SW sequel trilogy each movie grosses less and reviews more mixed with each entry. Same for the JP trilogy)


I fear people will watch it regardless. The old cast + "Baby Blue" will be enough for many people. And with the exception of Top Gun, there is not that much high profile competition.


You've got to be kidding with those numbers:

Domestic: $185 m
International: $315 m

Total: $500 m


I saw it Friday morning and the theater was around 1/4 full.I liked it and I am sure it is better than Morbius or 355 that I haven't seen.
