MovieChat Forums > The Operative (2019) Discussion > Why did Eric Bana get dropped from this?

Why did Eric Bana get dropped from this?

Maybe it was too much a repeat of his Munich role. I liked Martin Freeman in it but Bana seems better suited for the role.

Strange because I found this film after rewatching Munich, looking for films about Mossad. I had no idea Bana was supposed to be in it until I googled reviews and his name popped up.


He might of pulled out. I assume he has to do that a lot since he has no interest in moving to the US and still lives in Melbourne.

Right now, unless he got out before lockdown, he’s stuck for the foreseeable future. Unless he gets a magical exemption like sportspeople 🙄


This film came out in 2019, and filmed in 2018. Early on it was announced that he was starring in it, but then Martin Freeman took the role.


Good he dropped out. He ruined Munich, horrible actor.
