Watched this recently
Very disappointing and slow,don't bother.
shareToo bad. This sounds like a cult classic.
shareSaw the trailer a few months back and it looked okay. After seeing it, I agree with you, its equivalent to watching paint dry.
shareIt needed more torture scenes,it felt like alot was missing,it's a shame because i wanted to like it.
shareVirtually no character development as well, how are you supposed to care about these people when they never speak or emote. Camera just follows characters around for long stretch's of time and after all the following nothing happens. The on camera kills come off as desperate too, how can we shock people, lets kill a baby. The image on the Poster is misleading, we don't get the crazy Texas Chainsaw Massacre style dinner scene it leads us to believe we'll get and a big spoiler considering its the final shot of the movie. It seems they were able to make a competent trailer and that's about it, I have nothing good to say about this flick.
shareThe lack of character development made them unsympathetic, i think it could of been a better film if they put more effort into it.