MovieChat Forums > God Friended Me (2018) Discussion > Gay characters on the show (possible spo...

Gay characters on the show (possible spoilers)

In episode 3, it was revealed that Miles's sister is gay and living with her girlfriend. On the show's Facebook page, several people commented that they were disappointed or offended and wouldn't watch anymore. What are your thoughts on the inclusion of gay characters on this show? Personally, I'm all for it. I am a Christian, but I also support gay rights and believe in accepting LGBTQ people as they are. I don't think it means the show is not family friendly anymore, as some on Facebook claimed. I don't think the show is shoving gay people down anyone's throats either. I will, of course, continue to watch the show. What about you?


I like the way the show doesn't mix God up with religion. Religion is totally man made as are all the prejudices that come along with it.
Gays and women were subjugated for thousands of years due to bias and practicality. Religion and God were an excuse.
They wanted procreation and they wanted to control their lineage.
That doesn't exist anymore and it hasn't for a long time..
And it shouldn't exist on a tv show (or anywhere else) just because it includes the word "God".




It is possible to believe in heaven and hell and not be against homosexuality. Many Christians today are more accepting of gay people and believe that being gay is not a sin.



The Bible has to be properly interpreted and correctly applied. I don't believe the Bible teaches that being gay is a sin. I think people are misinterpreting it and reading that into it based on their own prejudices.



"God wants the best for us. That's why He set up rules for us. Why would He want people to engage in activity that results in disease, higher than average domestic abuse, higher than average infidelity, higher than average mental health issues? That wouldn't be very loving."

Do you have any actual evidence to back up your claims? Even if your claims were true, that doesn't mean that all same sex relationships are sinful or harmful. Gay couples can be faithful and loving, just like straight couples. There are plenty of unhappy heterosexual marriages where someone is abusive or unfaithful, but you wouldn't say that all heterosexual marriages are sinful. I think you are grasping at straws and your argument is pretty weak.

"Thanks for the "prejudice" insult."
I didn't say you personally were prejudiced, although your comments do certainly suggest it.

"Happy Thanksgiving."
Thanksgiving was last month. But if you insist on celebrating a month late, Happy Thanksgiving to you too.


I believe in Chapter 6, page 50 of the Bible it says "Thou shalt not put your wee-wee in a bum-bum."


Agreed..our 2019 Pasadena ROSE PARADE even has a LGBTQ queen.
