Look how they massacred my boy..
This is the most sterile adaptation I've ever seen.
There is zero heart in this. I barely even know these kids, they're just caricatures.. I really want to like them, and the kids do a fine acting job, but there is nothing there.
Also, barely any hockey. Even when they do play hockey, it's just zoomed-in shots of a stick hitting a puck into a net. There is no suspense in the games, which was a staple of the movies. The games were intense and action-packed, and actually added to the story.
180 degree character flips each episode. Kid is righteous, kid becomes a douche for half an episode, and then righteous again. Mom is righteous, becomes a douche for half an episode, and then back to righteous again.
Token black kid (1 minute of screen time per show) is sad for half an episode, then a 30 second speech later, he's fine. Weird video game kid is sad for half an episode, then he's fine
The two girls are fighting for half an episode, and then fine..
Even the "reunion" episode was pathetic. No emotional moments whatsoever.
And what a waste of Gordon Bombay..Is Emilio that busy these days?
I'm on episode 8, out of morbid curiosity. I'll probably finish it, because I always do with series, but I can't say I'll be invested in another season of this.
Why did they do this? There was already a formula in place that worked. Why not focus each episode on different characters, so we actually get to know them? Why not show them actually playing hockey and becoming a team on the ice like the movies did so well?