The Film is About Feminism

And how it has destroyed both men and women's lives.

They are now without meaning, without contentment, without structure. Children grow up without two parents (the discussion in the car about a woman under the influence reflects this), and women have lost their right to have complicated or nuanced sex (baby it's cold outside discussion), and men and women have been set against each other (the discussion about competing to be the most woke regarding homosexuality's normalisation). Plus the fact that she gets irritated by him saying 'look it up' but then takes pleasure in saying it back to him.

He wasted his life. But only because of social norms and expectations.

It hints at the regret and melancholy of Bergman's Wild Strawberries (even mimicking style) as well as Last Year in Marienbad (the fictional character realising he's a fictional character. And, to a lesser extent, The Hairdresser's Husband (another wasted life dependent upon a fictional woman).

We are all atomised now. All unable to connect because we have no role.
