Not Digging Lizzy
I think Lexi Giovagnoli who portrays Kate Miller, an influencer with 8 million subscribers who was selected to portray Elizabeth Bennett in a new movie production of Pride and Prejudice was MISCAST. Her British accent is definitely bad. That said the lack of accent is actually part of the plotline that has everyone helping her to brush up on her British pronunciations and even when she supposedly gets her accent down pat and is ready to shoot the movie, it's still not right.
Also, I think she was too dolled up during this movie. Bright lipstick. The character of Elizabeth has always been portrayed as more of a simple/plain but natural looking beauty so when she is shown during the movie trying to do table reads with the other actors before shooting the "movie" you would think that she would forgo the lipstick and curled hair in order to become Lizzy. I think they could have picked a different non British actress to play the so called American influencer who needs help yada yada...
On the other hand (David Witts) the actor who plays Liam Walker and is portraying Mr. Darcy in the new movie is bang on. He's gorgeous. He is got that irritated schitck about him too.
The rest of the cast seems okay but I think they could have picked someone else to play Kate Miller, like Kimberly Sustad for example?