
This movie was awesome! Starts off as cheesy but... The ending had me in tears from laughing...


Agreed! I watched with a friend who wanted me to turn it off in the first 15mins, but we stuck with it and what a pay off!


I went in cold not knowing the twist around 40 minutes in. At first it bothered me how at one point the director broke the fourth wall and pointed at the camera and yelled "Keep filming no matter what!". I preferred it if the camera was a disembodied floating thing rather than an actual person holding the camera, because so many sequences don't make sense if it was an actual person (who watches innocent people get chases or die, but says nothing and does nothing but films it all).

Good thing the twist showed this was all a low budget, live, amusingly clumsy TV show all along. Very clever idea and glad they thought of something different like this for the zombie genre.


It is hard to believe that they shot the first part in one take, but so they say. It is pretty fun but something is lacking to become a cult classic.

7.0 - 7.5 out of 10
