MovieChat Forums > For All Mankind (2019) Discussion > Loved it, but for one aspect

Loved it, but for one aspect

Most of the plot seems to be centered during the Reagan administration, and seems to turn into a RR commercial making him look so jovial and affable. Grandfatherly Reagan always on the phone cheering everyone on. They really dumped hard on other Presidents like Nixon and put Ted Kennedy in the White House after writing out his accident at Chappaquiddik, but bringing back Mary Jo Kopechne as a Monica Lewinsky substitute.

Other than this silliness this was a very excellent series. Fiction at its best, very well written, directed and acted. 5/5


I think Regan's role was mixed. They made him out to be a hard core 'red scare' warrior, if not straight out militarist. Than they show him brokering peace. It was a mixed bag.


Reagan was really into the space program and a rather strong supporter of his "Star Wars' initiatives. I don't think its that surprising for them to make Reagan look good in this. Fact is, Reagan was miles better than his predecessor, Jimmy Carter.

Although, I haven't watched this show since about halfway through the incredibly disappointing season 2, you have to keep in mind that it is fiction. Whether you like Reagan or not doesn't really matter that much, this is pure make believe.
