MovieChat Forums > Brightburn (2019) Discussion > Directors commentary; a real game change...

Directors commentary; a real game changer.

I liked Brightburn enough to purchase the DVD. It has special features including the Directors commentary. I have heard good and bad commentaries over the years. THIS commentary was a "game changer" for me.
My opinions of movies have changed at times due to gaining a better understanding of a movie and what the directors intent was of a given movie. After suffering through this worthless blather, my opinions dropped dramatically.
One expects the director or commentator to give us some insight into just what the movie intended to convey. We expect a reasonable and knowledgeable and PROFESSIONAL commentary. What we got here was exactly the opposite. This was stupid, disjointed, unprofessional irrelevant crap. Once you hear it, it becomes blatantly obvious that those who made this movie had very little knowledge of what they were intending to achieve and an obvious disrespect for the viewer.
This is no joke. MUCH of the movie time was taken up discussing "poop" and sewage processing and what it supposedly processed into. Other comments of the director vomiting in a field and how much came out of his mouth and how much out of his nose.
Do I need to go on?
Certain scenes were dragged on and on with endless irrelevant babble while other scenes that should have generated some good conversation were completely ignored while he babbled on about poop or other stuff that was dragged on and on.
Comments were too often stupid and illogical.
In the movie opening there were several "flashback" scenes of a young "Brandon" as an baby and a toddler. These were claimed to be actual VHS movies taken from the parents of Jackson A Dunn 20 years ago. Today, Jackson is 16 years old. He was probably around 14 when the movie was made and the movies were probably when he was about one to 3 years old. So based on this, the movies of Jackson were made about 6 years before Jackson was born.
I swear at times I thought the speakers were on drugs. The costume designer named Autumn used endless unnecessary profanities to punctuate simple sentences. It was obnoxious and unprofessional for a commentary.
So once I listened to this utter mess, it became clear that these people were completely incapable of bringing any sort of decent meaningful story line to the movie.
What seemed evident was that they had some ideas of what they wanted but listened to a moronic test screen audience to alter their visions to a blood and guts slasher rather than give us a meaningful story. They basically billed this as a superhero-horror movie about an alien boy was became "possessed" by an evil force from the spaceship that he arrived in. Perhaps this puts to rest the idea that he was BORN evil.
A GOOD and SOLID story could have been made but not by these fools.
Frankly I feel VERY sorry for the cast of the movie. I KNOW they were capable of delivering us a FAR better movie but were constrained by misdirection of people who had no clear vision of anything. Too often actors take the blame, particularly young actors like Jackson.
Another stupid notion we were given was that the evil that unfolded was reflected by colors used in the costuming. "Brandon" started out with blues in his wardrobe and the red color was added as the evil progressed. However the rule was violated many times for movie and probably went unnoticed.
The 3 major cast members had their commentary section called "Nature to Nurture"
THEIR take on the movie was more along the lines of of "Did their PARENTING" of Brandon cause him to go astray. Quite a different idea than a child overcome by evil from an outside source.
The movie had a decent cast but it deserved SO MUCH BETTER when it came to those who were in charge.
I would love to see it in the hands of a more capable director.




I must say that the conversation on the DVD was more more inspiring than this reply


I think I'm going to rate (on IMDb) new horror movies 1* from now on. 90% are trash for retards.


I have no intention of "blindly" rating anything.
There are a number of horror movies I like.
i DO intend to stay away from movies directed by David Yarovesky. I doubt that he cares.
Regardless of what I think of Brightburn, I feel that David Yarovesky's commentary is what I consider "trash for retards". There is no reason to treat viewers to this crap.
People actually BUY DVD's for commentaries and special features. We dont buy them to be insulted or be treated like idiots.
Yarovesky stated there was a different ending and there were scenes that were changed or deleted. There were no alternate endings or deleted scenes on the DVD.
There were plenty of (missed) opportunities to explain things better about the movie. He acted like he didnt even know or care.
Whatever a persons position is, they should at least try to be professional. This was totally lacking in professionalism and it was ultimately reflected in the movie; but most certainly reinforced by his comments.
This pretty much insults those who were at least TRYING to give us a decent performance.
It insults the viewers.
THAT is why i want NOTHING more from David Yarovesky.
All directors have a "misstep" in their careers. They shouldn't reinforce it with crappy commentaries.
