Anyone Else

...excited for this movie? Besides Kowalski, of course! πŸ™‚

I've always been a big fan of hers, so I can't wait to see how she does on the other side of the camera...


I saw the trailer they just put out and thought it looked very good.


Awesome, just checked it out, I love it... I had no idea it was a period piece!


It’s out now. I’m going to check it out.


Hopefully it will open near me soon(we get movies a bit later here in Vermont...)


It's on Netflix in the US.


I just watched it. I thought it was solid enough.

I'm not sure about that central scene though, on 'The Dating Game' when Kendrick goes off-script. Not because it didn't happen -- I don't care about that -- but because I thought it was making a rather modern point, that the man who gives what are superficially the 'right' answers might be hiding the greatest dangers for women. I'm not entirely sure that would be true of 1978.

And looking at clips of the actual show on YouTube, their interactions were inevitably nothing like that whatsoever.

But it's a minor quibble.


Yeah that seemed really cheap to shoehorn such a different version of the game show happenings in there. I had no idea this was a true story until the end of the movie so I looked it up.

She never broke script to strut and girl-boss in the slightest. Why make it happen in the movie?

I'm not suggesting they directly follow the script of the original show though, that was spine-tingling cringe all around.

It would have been fine to show her being annoyed about having to play it up like they all do on those shows, but why completely change the way it was?

Good movie though, enjoyable even if it felt like it was going out of it's way to portray 90% of the men in it as assholes.


I was aware it was a true story, but I didn't know any of the details of the true story beyond 'There was a serial killer on a game show once'.

I don't mind them taking liberties with the facts. It's a movie. That happens. For example, I think in reality the contestant just refused to go on a date with him having spoken to him briefly backstage and saying he gave off an uncomfortable vibe. But that's not very dramatic -- so I perfectly understand why they'd invent something around that and have him stalk her across the car park.

And I thought the off-script game show moment was amusing enough. I didn't dislike the scene at all. But, as I say, I think it's making a very 2024 point. On the one hand, that's OK: it's being made for an audience in 2024. I get that. On the other hand: it just jarred a little with the historical setting for me...

... which is precisely why I looked up the real clip to confirm it was nothing like that.

But, yup, a solid enough film. I liked it.


What was that with the murderer's male colleague that he wanted to bring for a photo shoot? Was he interested in guys too?
