
Being T1 myself, I have on occasion pondered apocalyptic scenarios and what my initial courses of action might be. We’ve all done it, mainly with Zombies.

Ok, they’ve got to Greenland and survived for 9 months in the bunker.
The film already suggests that the handpicked survivors were chosen for their abilities (ignoring the rich and powerful who probably buy or are selected first) and that no chronic illnesses are allowed. That last plot point is the driver for the whole film once they reach the airport.

Now that might be a high level plan to start again with a “clean slate” or it might be just practicalities but either way, that wee kid is proper f****d.
There won’t be any insulin, pumps or testing stuff in the bunkers and even if
the kid can somehow survive, everything is gone. No pharmaceutical plants producing synthetic insulin, certainly not high tech pump systems.
You can produce insulin from cattle and pigs. Any livestock left? Anyone know exactly how you extract insulin from a pig?

Basically, as parents, the only reason to take their kid along is to use him as a draught excluder when they end up living in a shack.


Zombies? Man, this AOL bs has to end!


Diabetic zombies can't eat sweet women: gotta go for the bitter ones.



I was thinking about this and hoped they would think that Type 1 is a possibility so they have to store insulin for possible future diabetics but as you say what comes after that unless they have set up a lab in one of the bunkers you are screwed. But so is anyone in the bunker who gets cancer or any illness or disease that needs some medication or treatment that they cannot provide for. Fingers crossed they have planned for this.


It has beeen awhile since I watched it but from remembering the people when the door opened didn't look like they had been inside for 9 months. All they need to do is monitor air samples for dust amounts. The people didn't carry that much clothes with them. From the end all the random people on the radio made it look like the destruction wasn't as bad as expected. I would like to see a second on and go into a series.


So i did some googling and apperently you can homemake insulin. Since these folks are supposed to be hand-picked best people im sure they will have at least one chemist.


Yeah. I'm a transplant patient. I need medications every day to survive.

It makes perfect sense not to bring me. I'm not surviving too long anyway.

I can see how it would be hard to leave the kid behind anyway, though. You wouldn't be making those decisions logically.
