Pssst Hollywood execs! Ewan McGregor not a film star

Both this and Doctor Sleep flopped. They both feature Ewan McGregor in a leading role. Guys he's not popular. He wasn't popular even before he cheated on his wife and mother of his children.

I'm from the British Isles and I don't find him interesting so heaven knows what Americans think. Although given the performance of the two films I don't think they're too keen on him either.

He's doing well to be getting these big roles recently though. Maybe MEW is calling in some favours for him? The only thing of note he did beforehand was Fargo but I don't think that was successful enough to propel him to bigger things. Then all of a sudden he's supposed to be leading man material? Gimme a break.


"The only thing of note he did beforehand was Fargo but I don't think that was successful enough to propel him to bigger things."

He was in Star Wars dude.


I know. I meant stuff just prior to Doctor Sleep and Birds of Prey. I know he made Trainspotting many years back but his career, like other actors, hit some lows and highs afterwards. He wasn't getting any big parts in the years leading up to Fargo.

By the way those prequels aren't anything to brag about being in your filmography.


Specify then next time. Besides, work is work in Hollywood.


Yeh I was thinking about Ewan as a bankable movie star the other day in light of Dr Sleep and this (ok he's not the star but he's the big villain ) I mean Dr Sleep should've done alot better but for whatever reason no one was interested in a sequel to The Shining (too old? the strange title?) and Ewan did absolutely nothing to bring in an audience..and its the same with him in BoP (although he's not front/centre at fact he's like a nonentity in all the marketing etc)

one of the few other times he fronted a high profile movie was The Island in 2005 (same summer as Episode III) pre TF Michael Bay's mega budget scifi action rip off of Logan Run meets The Matrix costarring a young Scarjo ...complete BOMB. with Will Smith or Cruise etc it probably would've been a big or at least decent size hit like I Am Legend or Edge of Tomorrow..but with Ewan audiences were just 'no thanks'

with Star Wars its the series and characters that is the 'star' like superhero movies so the actors like Ewan and Hayden had very little bearing (maybe Liam Neeson did abit in Ep 1..and obviously Harrison Ford was a major factor in TFA, plus the original actors back as their iconic characters in the sequels) although Ewan has always been abit of a fan fav as Obi wan - then again that's probably more to do with the fact he was playing young Alec Guinness (like the way Chris Pine played Shatner in the reboot Star Trek or Brandon Routh played Christopher Reeve in Superman Returns - basically younger stand in's due the original iconic actor being too old/dead)

with Moulin Rogue it was the Nicole who was the star, plus the films spectacle was the draw .. practically any actor of similar age that could hold a tune could've been in Ewans place (probably would've been better had it been a proper singer)

Trainspotting was his breakout and ok its an iconic (British) movie but he was really part of an ensemble and its more like a cult movie that had very little impact anywhere else - as we saw with 'TS2' (I refuse to call it T2 lol) the box office was non existent (post TS1 ewan apparently he had a big feud with the director Danny Boyle as he was either told or assumed hed star in Boyles next film The Beach but when a post Titanic Leo expressed interest Boyle went with him and who could blame him? even with Leo it didn't do that well but obviously probably triple what it woudve done with Ewan.. but Ewan was apparently furious and dint speak to Boyle for decades ..until TS2 lol)

Ok that's enough Ewan bashing from me for now (he can use all his $$$ to get over it lol)


I've never been a fan but pretending like Fargo is his only work of note is silly.

Fargo is more of a resurgence than a start. His actual noteworthy start began with Shallow Grave and Trainspotting in the late 90's (winning a BAFTA for the latter). And it's hard to say he first stepped into the light with Fargo when he starred in Moulin Rouge in 2001 (and was nominated for Golden Globe as well).


I'm a huge fan, but no, Ewan is not a bankable leading man. He needs some kind of mature tv show like Breaking Bad or something, that's his lane.


I thought it was an odd choice to make Obi-Wan a villain, it didnt really work.
