Ewan McGregor: “What interested me with Birds of Prey is that it’s a feminist film.

Ewan McGregor: What interested me with Birds of Prey is that it's a feminist film. It is very finely written. There is in the script a real look on misogyny, and I think we need that.

We need to be more aware of how we behave with the opposite sex. We need to be taught to change. Misogynists in movies are often extreme: they rape, they beat women ... and it is legitimate to represent people like that, because they exist and they are obviously the worst.

But in the Birds of Prey dialogues, there is always a hint of everyday misogyny, of those things you say as a man you do not even realize, mansplaining ... and it's in the script in a very subtle way. I found that brilliant.”

great job ...maybe look to blame that one particular man for making that statement.

the word of a man who cheated on his wife and kids of 20 years with someone half his age?




Know I shouldn't.. but LOL


Just another story to make me wait for the dvd to be half price to watch it.


The entire thing shows the absurdity of the climate change crap.




Feminism! Riveting, now excuse me while I refuse to watch this nonsense.


Many lols


Misogynists in movies are often extreme: they rape, they beat women ... and it is legitimate to represent people like that

Legit? I don't know, but for sure it's became boring. The abuse/rape scene has become so common that they have one (or several ones) in almost every modern Hollywood movie (or series). And it's always the same: some evil male tries to sexually assault/rape a chick, and then (1) a white knight appears and beats the crap out of him or (2) the chick beats the crap out of him.

It's so frequent that it has become boring to death. You see it coming from miles away, the characters behaving always the same way and saying almost exactly the same lines. It's like representing that scene has become some kind of ritual to prove the movie is feminist and pure.

Not to say the scene is often racist: the abuser/rapist is always a white male, usually blond. How many times in modern movies you can find this type of scene with the abuser/rapist being black, or Hispanic, or any other special group?


You nailed it. What’s more, these scenes with the evil straw man characters are just a cover for a small minority of rabid feminists who hate men to get their kicks seeing a man get the shit kicked out of him.



Because they alienated the target audience before the movie came out.

The film’s hardline feminist marketing played a significant role in driving audiences away. Ewan McGregor, who plays the film’s villain Black Mask, routinely touted the “feminist” messaging of the film, even stating that the film would take on “everyday misogyny, of those things you say as a man you do not even realize, [such as] mansplaining.” Margot Robbie, who stars as Harley Quinn, described her costume as being specifically “less male gaze-y”. Then we had Good Morning America falsely declaring the film the first all female superhero film despite the fact that there have been plenty of superhero movies featuring female characters as the lead before this and the main protagonist, Harley Quinn, is a lunatic psychopath villain and nowhere near being an actual superhero. And of course there’s once again the tokenism/blackwashing trope since they casted an African American actress to play Black Canary, a character that has always been depicted (and portrayed in previous adaptations) as a white blonde woman.

They also heavily deviated from the source material, showing how little did they care about the franchise they were using. The characters were unrecognizable from their comic book and even TV counterparts. Even Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn was unrecognizable. Her character wasn’t even wearing her iconic red and black colors. She was wearing baggy yellow overalls with a pink top. And when she’s not wearing her overalls she’s wearing those plastic feathers pretending to be some kind of bird.

And it wasn’t just the costumes, the character also seemed completely out of character in the trailers. The only time Robbie’s character even felt like Harley Quinn in the trailers was when she was tossing a stick of dynamite out of the car with Cassandra Cain sitting shotgun.




You're off in the woods with this cheating nonsense, the problem he's talking about is involuntary mansplaining.



you must be one of the people in this video


Triumph Talks to Voters


Ewe-n is vying hard for those woke points to make sure that Obi-Wan project goes ahead. He must be really hard up trying to finance those travel shows these days.
