A Joker/Harley Film Would Have Done Much Better Box Office

The sad truth is, as bad as you wanna claim Jared Leto's Joker was, a movie with these two as a pair the whole entire time would have almost certainly done better than a film with just Harley on her own. And since we didn't really see much of Leto's Joker in Suicide Squad to begin with, most movie goers would have probably given him another chance to impress them. They could have still killed his character sometime before the end.

Plus they could have waited an extra week and released it on Valentine's Day. A film with these two as a couple being released on Valentine's Day would have been cool marketing.


The Leto Joker is from frank Miller's All Star Batman and Robin.

He was trying to be Hardcore and had Batman cursing and whatnot. For some weird reason, Joker wasn't manically insane but a surly gangster type with tats like some kind of ghetto white guy.

Anyway, if Joker would have been in this, and Batman, even a little, it would have been a huge draw.


females probably would have showed up if Joker was in it, only 46% of female audience paid to see Harley by herself leaving males to save the box office from disaster


Or it could be as simple as changing the movie to PG-13.

If you're saying a Harley/Joker movie would've made it a better movie, you could very well be right. But to be rated R, it has to be clear it is for adults. That is how Deadpool, Logan and Joker succeeded. BoP looks similar in tone to Suicide Squad and dare I even say Guardians of the Galaxy. I believe that is the biggest misstep they made here.
