I don't care what the haters say, this movie was a unique, fun and action packed ride that was both entertaining and funny... than again could you expect anything less for the quirky and crazy Harley Quinn?
It is quite evident that DC is definitely making an effort by taking risks and it is paying off, keep it up WB!
I don't care what the haters say, this movie was a unique, fun and action packed ride that was both entertaining and funny...
Glad you liked the film
but lets be honest, you do in fact care what The "Haters" think...Its only natural
It cant help but bother you, when a film you really like, FLOPS
By the way, I'm not exactly sure what "Haters" you are talking about..The film has gotten good reviews, The audience scores are decent
overall the consensus seems to be its a pretty good movie, There isnt much "Hating" going on
The Problem is, lol, Nobody seemed to care or show up
WB EPICLY failed to get audiences interested in the film and it resulted in a disastrous box office result
If you want to be mad at anyone, be Mad at WB...because Its WBs fault your not going to be getting any more movies with "The quirky and crazy Harley Quinn" after this disaster
WB is now 0 for 2 in attempting to start Uber Successful franchises based on Lesser known characters in Shazam and BOP
Based on these results, It seems WB has no ability to sell anything but DC films based on A list characters
I know Marvel Studios/Disney makes it looks incredibly easy to start UBER successful franchises based on Lesser known char. like Ant-Man, GOTG, Doctor Strange and Even Black Panther, but WB is finding out its actual quiet hard when you dont have The benefit of a 23 film Cinematic Universe that spans a decade that built a brand and audience which cares about every up coming movie
So you can claim you dont care about the "Haters"
but lets be real, wouldnt you be MUCH Happier right now knowing that instead of BOP FLOPPING and The "crazy and quirky " character Harley Quinn Being DEAD after ONLY 1 film, Instead just think how much happier you would be right now, If WB actually had a HIT film on there hands and you left the theater knowing you were guaranteed Many MORE movies with "The quirky and crazy Harley Quinn" due to the film being a Rousing Success
again I have no doubt you enjoyed the movie...but its like theres a REAPER over your shoulder because deep down you Know with these awful box office results, You know the character and potential franchise that you just enjoyed so much is DEAD!
and again, Its Not the Haters fault, Its WBs fault!
The mistakes made here by WB were inexcusable and amateurish
When you have The Hottest A list actress in Hollywood in A role that was Universally Liked in a Suicide Squad, WB absolutely should have been able to maximum that momentum and Potential....
Instead they made AWFUL mistakes that KILLED a franchise and character
You may want to DELUSIONAL claim "It is quite evident that DC is definitely making an effort by taking risks and it is paying off, keep it up WB! "
But that "Pay Off" you want WB to keep up....Is Killing A Potential Trilogy of films based on Margot Robbies HQ that easily could have span the next decade and raked in over 2 Billion dollars....Instead "WB really had it pay off" with the franchise and character being DEAD after only 1 film that is GOING to LOSE MONEY
add Harley Quinn and the BOP to WBs list of casualties with Justice League....
This is now the second Potential UBER DC franchise WB has Killed that had the Potential to be a minimum of 3 to 5 films that could Literally Make the company BILLIONS...and instead WB sabotaged the movie and KILLS the characters,franchise and potential movies that could have been!
but hey I bet WB feel really happy about knowing YOU Loved the movie and dont care what the Haters says....I bet tonight when they are figuring up how much money they are going to lose on this film and Then when the realization sets in that they Just KILLED a character that had the potential to make BILLIONS with the hottest A List actress in Hollywood attached to the role, I bet WB is going to feel MUCH better knowing "well at least Lady Leopard enjoyed the crazy and quirky Harley Quinn for one movie"
Its People like you that Allows WB to keep doing shit like this
I swear to god, DC's films fucking taglines should be "we WB know as a company know we can keep fucking up and sabotaging are characters and You desperate fans Will continue to defend us"
just for a quick example of how pathetic your stance is, how you can just say "Hey I loved the movie, who cares about the amateurish mistakes WB made that caused the film to flop"
Here are some of the things you will DELUSIONALLY overlook, But things I can assure WB is in depression about
Amateur Mistake #1-lol How on earth do you wait 4 years to capitalize on the Success of Margot Robbies HQ after Suicide Squad? WB inability to pull the trigger or have any sort of plan to Immediately capitalize of the incredible buzz and steam the character picked up in unforgivable, They waited way too long and all Momentum and steam, the character got from SS was lost and forgotten
Amateur Mistake #2-WB ELIMINATED the very audience they NEEDED for this film to be a success by going with an R rating, lol, by far Harley Quinn 's largest fan base are teenage girls between the ages of 12 to 15, WB's just awful and amateur decision to force a R rating shows almost no understanding of Movie making and awareness of the audience for the movie and character
Amateur Mistake #3-absolustely No Plan or Vision for the character, if what Im about to say isnt about the best example of a Studio having no idea what to do with a character or film I dont know what is, lolololololol....WB had 5 different potential scripts and Movies for Harley Quinn in development at the same time, lol A Joker/Harley Movie, BOP, Gotham City Sirens, Harley Solo movies and Suicide Squad 2, They were just throwing anything against the wall hoping something would stick, lol In the end, WB didnt even decide which film/concept to go with, Margot Robbie did....The incompetence here is just Stunning!
Amateur Mistake #4-Possibly the most CHILD like and indefensible mistake of all....a decision that is so POOR and without reason, I can only assume The department in charge is all fired....How on earth is "Harley Quinn and The BOP" not the title? This movie is being sold on 1 fucking thing....HARELY QUINN.....How the idea to not have the film be titled Harley Quin or similar similar ever got past the "what if" stage is beyond all common sense, the thought that the film could actually be title Birds of Prey and then in small and ridiculously long sub titles "And the Fabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn" is almost a JOKE....Like its so completely inept, Its almost like it was done as joke to be intentionally bad!
These are amateur and Movie Sabotaging Mistakes that KILLED a Potential 3 to 5 franchise based on what should have been an ICONIC character for the next decade....
Your pathetic mindset of defending WB is Delusional and weak!
You can enjoy the movie without defending Inexcusable behavior from a company that has turned into the ultimate "DC Killer" and ENEMY of DC characters and films
I just Prey that Your final Words in your post doesnt come to reality....Because If WB does "Keep it up!".....we can look forward to WB KILLING more future franchise and characters like Justice League and Harley Quinn....
Shazam was a financial success and so will Birds of Prey be, end of fuckiing story!
heres how far off you are
Think about this
Even By Queen's Standards(THE ULTIMATE hypocrite/Spin everything DCEU and WB into a positive)Shazam Made no Profit!
You've seen Queen Desperately try to Spin Disney's Box office into a negative and Spin WBs/DCEU box office into a positive in any possible way...
and Hilariously, By Queens Own INSANELY Biased standards Shazam made NO PROFIT...
Queen Hilariously Predicted Shazam would easily Open over 75 Million and probably closer to 100 M
He then Guaranteed Shazam would easily top 250 M + domestically and make at least 625 M world Wide
Lol but heres the kicker, Queen as usual set His "Break Even",in which He intentionally sets any Disney films Break Even point as high as possible and intentionally sets WB/DCEU films Break even Points as low as possible....and Queens break even Point on shazam was 350 M
lol that should tell you how wrong you are here....Even when you have a insanely BIASED person, Intentionally setting the bar as low as possible to try and spin the box office into a negative, and Hilariously Shazam fell short of making any profit
In reality Shazam's break even is probably between 350 to 400 Million....The Key here is just how much WB spent on marketing...The Norm for movies like this is 150 M+
but I'd think WB probably went somewhere are 75 to 100 M....you add The 100 M Production Budget to that, WBs got somewhere between 175 to 200 M total in Shazam, In which WB would need to Make between 350 to 400 M to break even
when the movie first came out, there were some reports that Shazam only cost 75 to 80 M to make and that break even point was 260 M....
Those reports has since been debunked with Shazam's Production budget now confirmed to be 100 M+
Bottom Line, WB made no Profit on Shazam's Theatrical release, WB May end up seeing a whopping 20 M+ in Profit over the next few years from Home Media revenue...
But your delusional claims that Shazam was a financial success are simply not true and Nothing you say or do can make them true....
Birds of Prey has already been declared A Massive Misfire by both Deadline and Variety with BOTH Noting BOP is not going to hit its break even point.
please do some research before simply puking out your delusional beliefs as facts.
had you done any research, you would have seen BOP opened in every Major Market overseas except 1, Meaning Its Stunningly low and AWFUL overseas opening weekend of 46 M was with ALL Major Markets, Most Blockbusters open in Half of the Major Markets overseas on OW and Half the 2nd weekend....
thats why BOP was expected to debut to a 125 M+ Global Launch, Because analysts were expecting A Big 1st weekend overseas given that it was opening in all major markets at once...
what this means is, BOP was Dead on Arrival overseas, with a 46 million OW from all markets, BOP will be lucky limp to a 150 Million Overseas gross, It just doesnt have anywhere else to open in to bring in more money!
Next theres domestically, A box office analyst posted this tweet today and its quite telling----
Exhibitor Relations Co. 2: Box Office Boogaloo
BIRDS OF PREY officially debuted with $33,010,017
“Birds of Prey” cost a reported $82 million to produce, with executives at rival studios putting that number as closer to $100 million (due to elaborate sets and CGI), and estimating the film needs to make around $100 million domestically and $300 million globally to break even. Sources close to the production say the breakeven number is closer to $250 million."
BOPs absolute Best possible scenario domestically is to have legs similar to Hustlers and top out at 104 M(but it also could finishing anywhere between 65 to 100 M, 104 million truly is the best case scenario)
and due to BOP opening in all Major Markets overseas in its 1st weekend, It has no more markets to open in....with a 46 Million OW, BOP will be lucky to net 150 Million Overseas as a total....
So here are the facts
Domestically-BOP Will finish between 65 to 104 M
Overseas-BOP will finish between 115 to 150M
Break Even Point is 300 Million
BOP at Most can make between 180 to 254 Million total
BOP is a FLOP, It has zero chance of hitting its break even point,Had you done any research you could have easily figured this out....
BOTH Shazam and BOP Flopped.....end of fuckiing story!
oh ya maybe not the end of the story, Justice League also horrifically flopped losing WB between 60 to 100 M
I couldnt help but laugh at you ending your response with "end of fucking story!"
Because Hilariously your right, "This is the end of The crazy and quirky Harley Quinn's fucking story"
as Variety notes "WB took a swing and missed and Is going to have to keep learning these lessons"
unfortunately for YOU though...That HUGE Swing and Miss just cost YOU the character you enjoyed and loved so much because with BOP flopping this bad, Literally losing WB at least 50 Million dollars and Is going to end up making over 500 Million dollars Less than Suicide Squad....
yep the one thing you got right in your response is This is the end of the fucking story.....lol Its "The end of the fucking story and line for Harley Quinn"
1. Harley was nothing much like the real character. There was some, but not much.
2. The side characters were nothing like the real ones. It's like, hey put on some jeans, you're Huntress, and let's make jokes.
3. The characters are all "Film Noir" characters meaning crime related people who come out in the night YET every scene was in the daytime.
4. Harley is walking around as Harley, shopping, in the day, in Gotham City.
It looks like a fan film you would find on youtube. There was no attempt to create the proper setting for the movie. It was a comedy and shouldn't be. it can have comic elements that arise from characters, but not be a comedy.
There was no Batman. If you would have had him in there a lot, this film would have been very successful. Overall, it needed to be a drama with horror that has witty comedy.
I liked this movie. I also liked the box office failure Hellboy which did miserably mainly due to coming out the same time as Avengers End Game as well as BVS Dawn of Justice.
Plot? You don't watch a comic book movie for a good plot. You see it to see the protagonist kick butt.
Next thing you know you'll tell me you hate Commando because it doesn't have a good plot.