Conner's Comment's about the CORPSE: Is Logan really DEAD???
CONNER: “The weird thing is how much he’s not there. I find that consoling.”
Anyone else notice how strange it is that we never actually witnessed the death of Logan (other than seeing that VERY BRIEF less than a second chest compression scene) and basically only HEARD about how he dies rather than SAW it happening???
Then neither SHIV nor Kendal wants to view his body or visit the Funeral Home.
Plus Logan was also supposed to be on his way to visit the SWEDE when he disappears, because uncharacteristically he'd also first apologized to his kids (which he'd never done before) and BEGGED them not to interfere with his plans for the MATSSON MERGER.
So is it possible he may have FAKED his own death as a way to get his way???
Perhaps at some point we'll see some kind of a "MIRACULOUS RESURRECTION" happening, at which time Logan will also have a $hit Load of reasons by then as to why NONE of the kids are good enough to run the company (which they're also about to ruin with the way that they constantly keep BACKSTABBING each other)???
Thus the reason for the strange remark that Conner made about how LOGAN "isn't really there" in reference to his corpse??