'Edge Of Tomorrow' meets 'Hardcore Henry'
(With a dash of 'Last Action Hero')
....and still it didn't work for me?
Perhaps I'm not the target audience for this type of release (I find 'Gamers', their lifestyles and 'video-games' in general, to be completely boring/ridiculous)
And (for the first third) it seemed that this movie shared my disdain for gamers and their idle pleasures. However it soon tried to have it's cake and eat it (like the aforementioned 'Last Action Hero') and became (even with it's inherent 'reset' structure) annoyingly repetitious (if that makes sense?) Not to mention a huge tonal-shift in it's final third, to bog down all that had come before it.
At very least, 'Edge Of Tomorrow' wisely opted to keep the action flowing throughout (otherwise it's nigh on impossible to build characters whose company we've only spent a series of 60 seconds 'collective' bursts with?)
I found myself switching off (mentally) and imagining and second guessing easier (and far more entertaining) scenarios, which makes for a great workout for my own imagination....Yet I'm supposed to be admiring the directors 'vision' (which, beyond the initial set-up, eluded him this time around)
On a positive note, the movie looks great, so the (occasional) 'mental-jaunt' is permissible (as it's ending isn't exactly the 'big reveal' it thinks it is?) And regardless of it's (highly debatable) budget.....whatever *was* spent is all up there on the screen (and 'Pandemic' aside, this would have looked good on the big screen) a visually handsome movie (if somewhat lacking in the exposition)
Mel Gibson pops up from time to time (about 5 or 6 scenes) and seems to be having a lot more fun as 'support', than he had 'headlining' the recent (and even more disappointing) 'FatMan'.
Gamers *might* have a blast with this movie, but ultimately (and eventually) it left me cold (after squandering a semi interesting first third)