MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > As somebody who likes the movies, but di...

As somebody who likes the movies, but didn't read the books I'm enjoying it so far

Now I have no idea how the character portrayals differ than the books. I'm not talking about race bending as it doesn't appear to play a role in the actual character. I understand how people could be upset about how the actual characters are performing. There have been plenty of characters I've liked from books and when the movie/show comes out I'm saying "nope they messed that one up." I also don't know how the story differs from the books. I've seen plenty of movies/shows that mess that up too.


If you have seen the movies, then you must already have an impression of what Elrond and Galadriel are like. The Galadriel in this show certainly does not evoke the Galadriel from the movies, I think most people should agree on that. Now no one could say what she was like at this time, because Tolkien didn't write much details. But given that she is already thousands of years old, it would be reasonable to assume she should already be mature and at least resemble the Galdriel we saw in the movies. It think this is the biggest think the showrunner's have screwed up so far.
It shows a lack of respect for the source material(the Galdriel in the movies does very much evoke the galadriel in the Lord of the Rings books), and anyone with half a brain can see that they were projecting their idea of what a strong woman is supposed to be like in the current year, instead of trying to adapt Tolkien faithfully. Wrong priorities leads to shit writing.


I knew there was more esoteric or mystical material with the Elvish race. I'm not too familiar with their history but Galadriel is depicted here as a cast away, cleaving to her sword. Understandably it'd be mythological how she'd rule over an army. While the series is developing, her leadership remains to be seen.

