Orc design

People keep bitching about the design of this movie, but no one is mentioning the orcs. I think the orcs in episode 3 were the best looking orcs I have seen on screen. They are some mean creepy looking motherfuckers. And they feel like they pose a real threat too. In the movies orcs were kind of comical and looked like toxic avengers half of the time.

The are more remiscent of the orcs in the 1978 Lord of the Rings, which were pretty creepy.


Yeah they look good. Almost too good for this show.


They don't resemble 1978's movie orcs at all. Bakshi's orcs looked like werewolves or baboons.


The Rings of Power's orcs look like refined versions of the ones of the LOTR movies. They even kept same speech pattern and accents.


I said they were reminiscent, not that they resemble them. Rather they resemble them in feel and tone. These orcs are definitely darker and more menacing.


Most importantly, the Orcs are now white, because white is evil.
