MovieChat Forums > The Rookie (2018) Discussion > Guess Percy West died as well?

Guess Percy West died as well?

Played by Michael Beach, he was Jackson West’s dad and somehow was nowhere to be seen in the first episode this season mourning his murdered son ?

This show has officially gone off the rails with stupidity …


it became The Rookie vs The Expendables real quick.
wtf was up with the Guatemala merc mission ?!

agree with West's dad just vanishing into thin air.


Yeah, it was so ludicrous that what little suspension of belief I had went out the window… would have been more believable if Jackson was shot in the face and after some plastic surgery he has a different face (and an actor willing to do the job)


hahaha love it.
The Rookie vs The Expendables vs Face/Off


Why was Jackson written out? Did he leave/was fired.

Felt a bit disrespectful to cut him out like that.


He literally decided not to return, especially since most of last season was dedicated to his woke BS


No way, I hated his storyline last season too. Hope it's not true that he just left.
