About Those 3 Girls.
I’m asking about the 3 sisters, well not really “sisters” but you know those 3 girls that have taken an adversarial role against Sabrina. We’re first introduced to them in episode one, they express a opinion that Sabrina is less than they are & that she shouldn’t attend their school…..or else.
So I guess they’re supposed to be the mean girls clique, ok got it, understood. Then they all have some words & they “curse” Sabrina, but I don’t believe they really meant to hurt her, just inconvenience her some.
If they meant her real harm they would have cursed her in secret, where she can’t run home & tell somebody, “Hey these girls cursed me”, etc.
Then in the next episode, I think it’s the 2nd, maybe the 3rd, Sabrina is furious that the jocks are still targeting her friend(s) & she summons the unfriendly trio & they show up & they’re like “Aight, what do you want us to do? Remove the curse?”
Then Sabrina explains what she really wants, for them to help her teach the jocks a lesson & surprise, surprise, they go along with it. Then they all confront & deal with the boys, but the 3 girls do a little bit extra that wasn’t asked for but it all turned out well. When you think about it they didn’t really harm anybody.
To put the cherry on top they actually trap the boys libido in bird cages until the birds are released. Gotta admit, that’s some creative dealing right there. Nice little gimmick, feminazi’s & SJW’s everywhere would be proud.
Not for nothing but is it my imagination or did any of you think that they all turned a corner, meaning that after this they were all going to be friends from here on out?
Even the main mean girl, Prudence I think her name is was sort of chill, talking with Sabrina, admitting that she knew she lied about not going to their school & asked her she was going to leave the school & the jocks behind anyway so why did she sweat it?
Sabrina explained she couldn’t because she wanted to protect her friends, etc. Even the red headed girl was sort of joking with her about the boys libido trapped in the bird cages, about leaving it there until they learned some manners. It certainly looked like they were all on their way to being bff’s.
Then a few episodes later on we see them in full bitch mode again & this time they really want to do Sabrina some harm, they try to hurt her & even string her up by the neck, possibly wanting to kill her.
What do you think made them switch from being sort of cool to not so cool or psychotic? Was it Sabrina’s refusal of her dark baptism or writing her name in the book of the beast? Do you think that’s what really soured them on her.?
We all know that that they’re super devotees of the dark lord & that headmaster guy probably instructed them to do it, ok, but I’m kinda disappointed that the show took that route. Seems to be the easy way out to me, would’ve liked if they did become friends or frenemies at the very least but to have them be potential murderers is a direction I think the show shouldn’t have took.
If you had to be 16 to be baptized then how come those kids (the ghosts) at the school were wayyy younger when they were “harrowed” & killed? The main boy looked like he was 9 or 10. The rest certainly seemed like they were younger than 16 for sure.
Also If Satan’s desire was really for Sabrina to continue her education at the School for the Unseen Arts, then either the headmaster Blackwood is a complete fool or just crazy but what would Satan do if Sabrina got killed due to him or the girls or someone else at the school going too far & killing her by mistake or on purpose?
He’d go batshit on everyone involved & everyone else not involved. Seriously is Blackwood such an idiot that he’s not going to consider that?
Blackwood is taking his chances taking it upon himself to make sure Sabrina “suffers”
Btw did you catch the name of the school? “Gehenna Station” Gehenna is the Hebrew word for their version of hell.