MovieChat Forums > Sweetbitter (2018) Discussion > this sh*t is practically unwatchable

this sh*t is practically unwatchable

Should have paid more attention to the IMDB rating instead of wasting my time on 1.5 episodes.

It was downright painful, zero relatability.


It’s definitely not for everyone. I’m enjoying it because I know rather a lot about the restaurant business, which is a fascinating business. The high-end restaurant business, which is what’s showcased in Sweetbitter, is particularly complex, subtle and nuanced. I’m sorry the show didn’t resonate with you. I, too, thought the subject matter may be too ephemeral for most folks, my own interests notwithstanding, but I’ve learned that it comes from a novel, written by Sweetbitter’s producer, that was a best-seller and also praised by literary critics; so the material has found an audience once. Perhaps it will again.


I actually like the show and I never was in the restaurant business. I think it shows promise, but people have to be a little patient as they develop the characters.


I’m excluding my friend, exatera, from the following statement because she was patient with another quirky show that I like, SMILF: patience, like attention, is in short supply these days. People want everything right away, and they want it to be easy to understand. Like you, I am cautiously optimistic about this show, and I’ve been impressed with the casting.



Are you nuts? I'm so glad that Starz cancelled Ash Vs Evil Dead and put this on instead. (Damn pieces of monkey crap!)


It couldn't retain my interest.

I never watched Ash Vs Evil Dead, so can't compare.


Honestly, I wouldn't know whether this show is good or bad. It's not the type of show that would pique my interest. I'm just still bitter that Starz cancelled my favorite show on TV I guess. Jerks!


That really wasn't clear from your initial comment.


Sorry, sometimes I forget that sarcasm doesn't always translate well on typed posts. But trust me, the tone of voice that I was using in my head when I typed it was dripping with sarcasm.


You're lucky! I've watched like 3 episodes.


And I am guessing it didn't get any better?


No ((


Yes, it does, if you liked it initially. If not, then no.



Really? I don't feel that way about her looks at all.

But to each their own. :)


new season not much better
