So stereotypical. Hollywood again trying to convince young black kids to pursue bullshit dreams of becoming a rapper or basketball player.
This is why black people are the poorest and most unsuccessful demographic in the US, they pursue fields where only 0.01% succeed. They need to focus more on promoting education if they want to rise.
That's quite a broad brush you're using there! There are A LOT of other factors which have limited Blacks success in America, including but not limited to systematic racism, lack of opportunities, lack of generational wealth, family dynamics (lack of fatherhood).
But the perception towards education does need to be changed in the Black community. Historically Black teenagers devalue education and make fun of kids who value it. This movie does harm by uplifting this perception and goes so far as to ridiculing education (teacher). That's irresponsible for the director and furthers this harmful stereotype (which has a basis for existence).
But even if overnight this cultural education stigma was remedied, many Blacks would 1) still be discriminated against limiting their opportunities (studies have show Whites and Blacks with exactly the same resumes get discriminated just by having a "Black" sounding name) and 2) many students would still struggle living in poor settings (no quiet room to study, lack of school supplies, having to work extra jobs to pay for utilities, rent instead of studying because of lack of wealth).
There is no systemic (I'm guessing that's what you meant) racism in the US anymore, unless it's against whites. They are truly the ONLY group that is legally oppressed because of the color of their skin.
Most people who rap or play basketball do it because it's a passion. If you set out to do something just to become famous, odds are it won't happen. Promoting education? C'mon. This is a movie. For ent-er-tain-ment. This movie has nothing to do with poverty or lack of success in the black community.