MovieChat Forums > Bodyguard (2018) Discussion > Halfway through episode 3 and I still ha...

Halfway through episode 3 and I still have zero idea what's going on

She's getting information from the security service...on something...for some reason, I guess. He's now spying on her because she's apparently a dangerous politician...for some reason, I guess.
No, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but has anyone else had any problems understanding the way all the systems here fit together? I guess she's a dangerous politician because she's a fear mongerer? But who is bodyguard working for when he's spying on her?
What was that document he was looking at after sneaking into her purse?

I think part of it has to do with being American, and being unfamiliar with the different security depts in the UK, but I'm just seeing a lot of people wearing suits, inhabiting different office spaces. No idea who's who.

But the secretary lady has ended up being a lot sexier than I first gave her credit for! That's been pretty neat!


I only watched episode 1 and thought it was pure trash, so I haven't gone further yet. My impression is that BBC (a left-wing media organization) has tried to portray the politician as evil because she seems to be some kind of populist conservative which is enemy number one in mainstream Britain.

I also have a hard time taking seriously the fact that an ex-soldier who's worn his country's uniform would be a lefty Labour supporter at a time when Jeremy Corbyn is openly supporting enemy terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. That's the vibe I got anyway. Madden's character seems to be on the left politically, which doesn't really make any sense.

Either way, I only watched this because of the rumours that Madden is the next James Bond, and I think that's a joke after watching this show. I guess Daniel Craig has lowered the standard that much. I wasn't impressed by Madden at all, and I really don't understand what people see in him.


I think it was to prime watchers to be aware that she is a controversial figure involved in stuff that is not popular. By the time she is gone we realize that she is an OK public servant, and person, and maybe even one of the good guys. This was a really excellent series.


By now I'm sure you've finished the series and figured out what was going on ... what did you think?
