Decent... (spoilers)
Clearly agenda driven, which is a bit heavy-handed at times, but overall it's got a good chance of becoming a pretty good show. Missy (Maggie) is always awesome. Sela (Dana) is a legend (with little to do here other than spout profile possibilities, and prop up Maggie's confidence). Zeeko (OA) is good, but I'd like to see him step out of the shadows a bit. Hopefully that comes as his character grows. Jeremy (Jubal) needs more to do than just spout exposition (give us a story where someone he's tried capturing before comes back to haunt him and the audience learns about Jubal through the team hunting this guy again - something like the movie 'Se7en' would be a great dynamic). Ebonee(Kristen) needs more to do too. She's the tech, so give the team a hunt where they have to really rely on her skills to help them find someone... maybe like 'The Cell', find the victim before the clock runs out.
It's kind of missing the romance angle (she's still grieving her dead husband), but I'm actually kind of happy that it doesn't have that crutch at the moment. (Rookie Blue started out decent then unfortunately fell into the 'sleep-around soap opera' nonsense by the end.)
FBI's current faults for me lie with the far too many characters that simply exist to spout a line or two of exposition, and the plot points coming via radio/phone. I don't know if that's just my perception, or it it is the reality - either way, I cringe each time Jubal skates through a scene and lobs a word salad to get everyone up to speed, and then Kristen pops up with all the magical information 3 times an episode.
And I'd like to see a series arc at some point. Procedurals are ok, but they're cotton candy when audiences these days are more into binging shows with season arcs. We want substance!
The potential is there, I hope it finds some traction soon. Ease up on the agenda stuff... it doesn't have to be blatant to be effective, and give the actors more to work with. And never put Maggie and OA in a romantic situation... let them have significant others, just never each other because it's a trap that all of these shows fall into. And don't dumb any of it down.