Lefty Conspiracy Theory
Why would NAZIs reside in the US? Plenty took refuge in Egypt and Argentina.
Not hiding at all: The American Nazi Party http://www.americannaziparty.com/
Why would NAZIs reside in the US? Plenty took refuge in Egypt and Argentina.
Not hiding at all: The American Nazi Party http://www.americannaziparty.com/
. . .Asks why Nazis would reside in US. . .
Provides link for Nazis living openly in US. . .
Derrrrrrrrrrp. . .
There are American Nazis and there are original Third Reich Nazis who are guilty of war crimes. Anyone who has been paying attention would know that plenty of them escaped to the US and lived here with fake identities.
shareAre you tired of being blamed for all the world’s problems – simply because you are White?