
Anyone hear of when the adult cast will be announced? Hopefully they are filming the kids now. They grow up so fast.


John Ritter ded.


true, but we still have John Boy :)


Don't you mean J-J-J-J-John Boy?


They need to film the new kid scenes right now because kids change fast. Finn wolfhard looks way taller in interviews now than he did in the movie.


Do you suppose that they may have already shot some extra scenes for part 2 before they wrapped up the first one? I mean, they already had part 2 planned out. Why not shoot certain scenes with the kids for the conclusion?


This originally would have been my assumption. But I heard somewhere about Finn Wolfhard being asked to return to film additional scenes and I assume the other kids would do the same. Finn looks noticeably taller now than he did in the movie and probably the other kids look a little different too.


I'm excited to see what they do with the 2nd chapter.


Some more casting news regarding the next installment of "IT" We have James McAvoy! as the grown up "Bill". I'm very excited to hear that. Makes sense to me, if anybody could come close to resembling Richard Thomas of the original mini series then it's McAvoy for sure.

Other casting news is of course Chastain who everyone knows about by now & there's some guy named Jay Ryan as the grown up "Ben". Never heard of him but we'll see how he pulls it off in the film. Also Isaiah Mustafa as "Mike Hanlon" & I'm not sure about the rest.

Looks like it's shaping up nicely but again I guess we'll see.


They've also cast Bill Hader as Richie, which is who the actor who played young Richie wanted to play him as an adult. I don't recognize any of the other names that were cast for the other kids.


cool! Bill Hader is a great cast for Richie
