Full male frontal nudity?

IMDB says it includes male full frontal nudity.

So the writer/director was making this and thought, “Know what this needs? A guy’s dick.”?

Why? Who is the target audience for this?

Definitely not me.


Produced when MeToo was still going strong, it ain't surprising that full frontal female nudity was more taboo


A man undress after training. It made the scene even more surreal. I don't see any problem with this. When the scene happens, you feel exactly the same as Jesse Eisenberg in the scene - so full success.


I don’t want to feel exactly like Eisenberg does.

They can also get the same effect by showing the guy strips but without showing his dick.


Why? it is basically a normal locker room scene. Are you telling me you go in a speedo into the gym dress room?


I don’t stare at guys’ dicks in the locker room.

I also don’t stand around waving mine at other guys.

I’m guessing you do?


No, because it is just a normal locker room.



I’m talking about guys waving their dicks at the camera in this film.

Not interested.


The more dick the better! Sorry your dainty sensibilities ruined your ability to enjoy this movie.
