MovieChat Forums > You (2018) Discussion > I feel like they really should have cast...

I feel like they really should have cast someone more attractive as Sherry Conrad

What do you think?

I just don't believe that a man who looks like THAT would marry someone like her, OR that people would find her aspirational.


Are you kidding me? She's fucking gorgeous.


Not even good-looking, let alone beautiful.

Are you mixing her up with someone else, perhaps?? I really can't believe anyone would think of that woman as gorgeous.


I don't like to reduce a woman to her physique but take a look at these pictures :
I'd say her features barring her height kinda match the likes of Sanaa Lathan.
Besides her looks, she's also talented. I have already seen her play a goofy and pretentious prosecutor in HBO's Search Party, all I can say is she stole the show, and she was a standout in You as well.


I feel like you are only proving my point. [shrug]

I didn't even notice on the show how disproportional she is.

But oh well.


He did indeed prove your point


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, while most of us think the actress is hot, pretty and sexy, you have the right to think the opposite. I think she did a heck of a job. In fact, the last three episodes were the best to me. Funny as hell. The Cary character was very happy to have an intelligent, sexy wife. That woman has a name, SHALITA GRANT!


I can't imagine a better cast.


I can't either. Need to watch season 4.
