Overrated (or misunderstood)
The film offers an intriguing setting similar to "the witch" which I thought was excellent. The reviews from RT also were 96%, so I was excited to watch.
The biggest issue is simply a lack of dialog. There are English subtitles, but it really doesn't matter because not much is said, and what is said doesnt really help the viewer. The upshot is that we have an orphan hermit girl that local villagers think is a witch, because they thought her mother was a witch. Ok....
The girl somehow has her own child many years later after her own mother dies. It's cold as hell and she lives alone in a cabin outside of town... Ok....
Everyone is superstitious, even the local priest, who had tended to her mother years ago when she was sick. The protagonist is then summoned again as an adult to meet with the priest. But he just tells her she is evil and cleansing is required, and gives her a skull. I guess he didn't think she was much of a threat or he would have killed her. Ok.....
Local town girl befriends the protagonist, visits her, then lures her into a situation where she gets raped by a local man. Why mess with a known/alleged witch? Ok...
Protagonist has animals on her small farm, and a decent looking setup. How that happened is never explained. But someone comes by and takes or kills the animals. Ok...
Protagonist retreats to the forest, trips out on schrooms, And drowns her baby in a swamp. Unfortunate, also completely out of step with preceding events. She returns home, is horrified to find she has killed her child, but then cooks the baby in a stew and eats it. Again completely out of step with preceding events. Her hut then catches on fire.
It's completely unclear whether any of this is supernatural or just extremely unlucky. And frankly the film is gross, especially the ending. There's no need to see someone make a stew out of a dead baby. Then munch on the carcass.
I get the whole less is more, ominous imagery, let the sound tell the story. But thats not what happens here. You have some pretty significant and inexplicable behavior, and very little character development or interaction with outside forces that would justify the behaviors depicted. I guess gross now constitutes art.