This quasi-hobo, sad-sack is supposed to be the cunning crime master Joker? Other world story, you say? Taxi Driver leaves some clown makeup on and you call it Joker? A clown kills some people on a subway and that drives the citizenry to riot?
Utter nonsense. Phoenix did a very good job for MOST of the movie but it just got more and more ridiculous until the sense-free end.
Seems to be skating on the strength of the modern Aggrieved Entitled Victim Club demographic.
6/10 at best
Yeah I'm not much of a critic and I didn't care for it much either. Mainly because it was just so damn bleak and depressing...but also because no matter how I tried to finagle it, I could not picture this guy being a maniacal genius, let alone picture him as someone who could lead other people.
It wasn't a bad movie, but yeah they stretched it pretty thin. And you're right...all anyone knew is that a couple guys got shot to death on the subway, and suddenly the people have decided that its a movement?
I don't know...I really didn't enjoy this movie, and were it not for the hypetrain behind it, I don't think it'd have amounted to much.
Seems like the MSM just decided that this was going to be a big movie, and we all kinda fell in line.
In a way its the same with the movie , a small movie about mental illness/Taxi Driver meets King of Comedy (but its the Joker/stealth Batman origin) and suddenly the critics/audiences/media have decided that its a movement? (and breaks 1b)