I was supporting this film up untill I heard that they are fucking joker's origin changing his name and no batman and also the joker makeup is worst fuck this nolanverse shit it would be a huge flop and then wb won't make any dc elseworld shit and also wb need to fire matt reeves because he seems to set his batman in this universe
I was supporting this film up untill I heard that they are fucking joker's origin changing his name and no batman and also the joker makeup is worst fuck this nolanverse shit it would be a huge flop and then wb won't make any dc elseworld shit and also wb need to fire matt reeves because he seems to set his batman in this universe
has it hit you yet your Life is over?
what I mean is you literally have nothing to look forward to anymore....
The DCEU is No More....
All future DC films are films that you dont like...
A rebooted Batman with no Affleck
A rebooted Joker with No Leto
Suicide Squad (One of the only 2 DCEU films that was A box office hit) has officially become a reboot, With James Gunn set to direct with a complete New Take
Snyder Is Fired , His Dark,depressing and colorless tones are NO MORE
Cavill Is Out as Superman, With WB instead focusing on Supergirl(A movie thats going to be set in the 70s so it has no connections to the DCEU or JL)
lol every single thing thats happening is stuff you HATE!
for DC fans, This is all Great News..DC fans now have hope and the future looks bright
but For DCEU fans/Snyder fans....This truly is the end....You have nothing left, All Future DC films are being made against your wishes
whats worse is, They're all going to be hits and Fans are excited....I see Andre making daily videos where hes crying his eyes at the direction WB is going, He keep screaming "WB your screwing up, The fans dont want no elseworld Joker or Affleckless Batman, We want the DCEU, We want JL2, We want Leto's Joker, We want affleck and Cavil back, WB your pissing off the fans, no one cares about these movies"
but the problem is, He(and you) are wrong, you guys are part of a tiny minority of creepy delusional hardcore Snyder/DCEU fans.....The overwhelming Majority of DC fans LOVE the direction WB is going, are incredibly hyped for The Joker....
you guys not only are going to have to watch WB make all these New upcoming DC film that you HATE....but your also going to have to watch them succeed, because The overwhelming Majority of DC fans are very hyped
not only do you and andre live in a fantasy world when it comes to The MCU and thier success
But you also are Delusional about DC fans....you do not want to except DC fans, The Overwhelming Majority did not like The DCEU films and are excited about the new direction...
you simply can not except this reality
Instead you guys did something truly shocking....You literally created A fantasy Term out of then air....
you created the term "fake DC fans"
lol before BvS, It truly was DC fans vs Marvel Fans....DC fans would defend DC films no matter what, You guys were united that Man Of Steel was "Unfairly Judged" and critics were biased....
But something shocking happened....Snyder made such a horrible movie in BvS, DC fans couldnt even defend it....Then Suicide Squad hit and DC fans became embarrassed and angry, finally Justice League happened....
lol You and andre were then faced with A problem....You Loved The DCEU films, want to believe they are great, But now you've even got your OWN fanbase speaking out against them....Literally Life Long DC fans, that had previously defended DC films no matter what, coming out wanting nothing to do with The DCEU anymore....
what do you and andre do....except that the DCEU films are so bad even YOUR OWN fan base wont defend them>?
nope....You guys do something astonishing....You created the term "Fake DC fans"....any DC fan that speak out against the DCEU films, You immediately deem the a Fake DC fan ...
You claim They dont know the history of the characters and are just band riders so their opinion doesnt count, lol and again you say this about anyone, any DC fan that speaks out, it doesnt matter if They are Literally life long DC fans, Comic Book writer, artists or proven devoted DC fans....
Its truly one of most delusional and desperate acts I've ever seen....When DCEU films got so awful
not even Its Hardcore Fan base could defend them....Instead of excepting this, Instead of excepting you simply Like The DCEU films and the Overwhelming Majority doesnt.
You instead decided to Claim All critics are biased and paid off, The General Public are dumb and not smarter enough to understand the DCEU films and When Your own fan base turned against you, You created A new Term to explain away their dislike of the DCEU films....
Its entirely possible that you and andre might actually believe this, You may actually have been pushed to such delusional depths....
But the facts dont lie....The DCEU films all under performed, Hype and Interest drastically Dropped with each film..and NOw Hype is coming back because WB is going in a new direction...
you and andre may keep saying "No one cares about these elseworld movies and a Batman with no Affleck"..You keep saying the "FANS" want the DCEU
But the facts are over the next 3 years when The Joker does great Box office and When the rebooted Batman and Suicide Squad make more than SS1 and JL.....You'll finally understand, NO, DC fans just Hated The DCEU....You and andre are now part of a tiny creepy minority of DC fans that account for probably less than 5% of DC fans
These New DC films are going to succeed and they are going to succeed because They are what DC fans are DYING for....The last 5 years has been pure hell for DC Fans and they are finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
your either going to have to except The Majority of DC fans hates the DCEU and FAKE DC fans do not exist....
Or your just going to have to go even further in to the delusional depths after these new DC films turn out to be hits and Prove DC fans want them and NOT the DCEU....I guess you'll just have to start claiming, WB is paying critics to Like their own movies, lol
bottom line...You have nothing to Look forward to anymore, Except confirmation DC fans really do hate The DCEU when all future DC films turn out to be huge hits!