MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > I might be in a minority but I really li...

I might be in a minority but I really like Demetri

To me he is the character I relate to the most. I am a bit of a geek who loves to talk about comics,films,TV with people so I dig him. Also I loved his story line with Eli/Hawk . I'm sure a lot of us had been in Dimitri situation in high school of having a best friend who becomes so popular that suddenly he start acting like a different person you knew. I also understand how he can be annoying to some, even to the point that people could consider him the most annoying character (To me it's the old dude who joined Cobra Kai) but I just relate to the guy and he has a good heart underneath all his social awkwardness and nerdiness.


Dude, I am so with you on this. I love Demetri and definitely see a lot of myself in him. He's probably the most authentic depiction of a nerd, I've seen in anything. The actor who plays him does a really great job, his line delivery and comedic ability is perfect for the character.

I assumed he'd be the character that stole the show for most people (excluding Johnny) but then I look up online and he's the one character everyone seems to find irritating.

Anyway, I enjoyed his storyline this season with Hawk. it was painful to watch at the same time, because it's something so relatable.


Glad I am not the only one who liked him. And yeah the actor plays him really well!


I think he is lost and really just wants to be left alone but not quite as alone as he found himself. All his friends have left him for karate and now hunt him. It would be pretty tough.

I think he needs to stop poking Hawk though or he will find himself paying a pretty heavy price. If the show continues I can see Hawk becoming a thug. If he isn't already one.


I am pretty sure Hawk is officially now a thug :(


He doesn't have to be so antagonistic towards Hawk, after all, Hawk is his former friend. Hawk just wants to distance himself from anything 'nerdy', and Demetri should understand this. Maybe Demetri could've asked about what new interesting things Hawk has found now that he's 'cool' instead of openly mocking and humiliating him in front of everyone (a very nasty thing to do).

However, Demetri's complaining, nitpicking and constantly talking and informative personality is really fun for me, as I don't see many people like that (besides myself) anywhere.

I also like that Daniel doesn't capitulate to his BS, but keeps forcing him out of his comfort zone, DESPITE Demetri bringing a 'note from his mother'.


I really wish I could argee with you. Demetri has potential to be an interesting character and I think they have plans for his development. He seems to be the person who shows that there is no ideal side to this conflict.

But truthfully: I was rooting for Hawk when he went after him.


He isn't annoying Bec he is geeky, he is annoying because he is obnoxious, rude, and arrogant.


So is Hawk , only difference between the two is that Demetri is not violent or a bully . To me personally Demetri rudeness do not come out as if he purposely is trying to be rude. It wouldn't surprise me if the writers reveal he has Asperger. I do not find him annoying at all, I feel he is someone who desperately try to connect with people but who has a hard time to do so.


He comes across as purposefully disrespectful without any power or strength to support such arrogance, just a sense of entitlement, a brat. Hawk wasn't a brat from the get go, Dimitri was. I don't like Hawk either but you could at least understand his arrogance. He was a victim who found strength and because of bad influence, he let it consume him. Instead of using the strength to defend the weak, he thinks he needs to become a bully in order to not revert to his victimhood status. Dimitri reminds me of that ST Voyager episode of this weak puny ship making demands and threatening Voyager. I can't understand people like this, you're weak and you go up to a killer, insulting him, making demands as if he should kowtow to you, and getting in his personal space, touching him without invitation, and making personal insults. In any medium, such a character is always portrayed as a villain, but because he is weak, it's excusable? Imagine what he would be like with power when he is already like that beforehand? This guy would've gotten killed in any other place but this fictional world, because he seems to seek out trouble with his insults and bravado and demands to be treated like a king.


Well I completely disagree with you. I only see a socially awkward kid who hides his feeling through his sarcasm. I personally think he might even be on the autism spectrum. It's a matter of opinion so I agree to disagree.


Ok, maybe it's a Western thing.
