Do not purchase this youtube channel. Then if no one makes this purchase, then this series would be moved to a regular cable or network station. Show will power. People are already paying a lot of money for cable each month. Why pay more money? Its not like the series won't be shown if no one purchases the youtube channel. Someone else will pick it up. Trust me. You pay for this and where does it then stop? More and more TV series will go this way. Thank you
$10. Not a real huge price to pay to watch this series. You could probably get through it in five or six hours if you watch them all in a row. It's cheaper than going to the movies. And over the course of one month's membership, you can watch it as many times as you want.
I can understand your position if you don't like the show, and don't want to support it, but this is ridiculous. I thought we've been over this before with your last tirade months ago.
Then where does it stop? If they realize enough suckers pay for the youtube channel, then expect more and more to go that way. I will watch it for free either way online, like I did with season 1. Thats another reason why I laugh at the sheep who purchase this channel
First, a lot of people do NOT pay for cable because they got rid of that shit long ago. But what you have to understand is that you are already paying for your cable channels, you just do it in a bundle. You pay your big fee and the cable company just gives each network their cut.
Second, paying for YouTube Premium is no different from paying for Netflix or Amazon Prime or Hulu. It's just another service. If you think what they have to offer is worth the price, then pay for it. If you don't, then don't. You seem to think that you're subscribing directly to the Cobra Kai channel. That's not the case. You're subscribing to all of YouTube Premium.
Aside from shows like this and whatever else YouTube is making, there are other benefits to paying for YouTube Premium. No more commercials before or during any videos, and you can continue listening on your phone while using other apps. And you can download videos. Sorry if I should like a commercial for YouTube, but I subscribed just for this show, and ended up staying with it for 6 more months. And as soon as I canceled it, I immediately missed it, and will definitely resubscribe when this show comes back.
Sorry if you don't like having to pay for YouTube, but perhaps you've noticed this is the way the world is moving. Its just like with Netflix, Hulu, and how HBO has always been. Whichever service has the shows or movies you like, you'll buy. If they don't you won't. Cable had a monopoly for way to long, and they took advantage of us with inflated prices and terrible customer service. Now technology has caught up to them, and they need to adjust or they'll continue losing customers.
You're right, but it was Cobra Kai that got me to sign up for it. The "YouTube in the background" thing seems like something they could have done without charging for. So I'm not real happy with that. I'll buy another month of it for season 2 of Cobra Kai and then go back to standard YouTube, ads and all.
If there's a season 3 next year I'll do it all over again.
Come on... the show is really good, and I think they deserve the $10 for it. If someone creates something you like, you should support them.
However, I do wish the other streaming services, that I already have, would've bid more on it when they were shopping it around. They missed out on a great show.