Loved it

I really enjoyed this series. Loved the cheesiness, comedy, nostalgia and action. I thought it was pretty well acted for the most part as well. I found myself rooting for Johnny the majority of the time, but also for Danielson on quite a few occasions as it paints a good gray line on some issues. Overall, if you like the original movie, I think you will really be entertained by this series. Ready for season two!


It actually felt like a tv show I was watching as I was growing up back in the 90's. Can feel nostalgia and just the way the directing and acting and no pussy PC/SJW bullshit. Well there was but it's like teaching them to man up and not go to the so-called safes space liberals made for them. That black girl kneed his stomach and now she isn't scared no more of bullies. :P


I loved it too. This far exceeded my expectations. Had no idea something produced by YouTube could be so amazingly good. Some of the best TV I've seen in a while. Really well done.
